
There have been 1588 changes to date.
1588 07/26/2024 Who now displays the number of active Discord users vs the active user names.
1587 07/26/2024 When a corpse is being created, it does a check first to see if any items lack the take flag and will spill them into the room. This should resolve issues where a raid item ends up on a corpse and cannot be retrieved.
1586 07/26/2024 When a skill scroll is being generated, the possible skills get shuffled to have better randomness in skill selection.
1585 07/26/2024 Bug fixed with Chakramold where it could sometimes start balanced.
1584 07/23/2024 Hakkei Kihaku's minimum exp has been dramatically raised, the net effect being players should notice on average they gain more exp than without it.
1583 07/22/2024 Players must be Genin or greater to use the convert function with the train command.
1582 07/22/2024 Added new ingredient spawn flags: mountain_only, city_only, hills_only, field_only, underground_only, day_boost, night_boost.
1581 07/22/2024 Mobs can have their set up to level 10,000 now to scale more with Legend level players and/or Legend focused zones.
1580 07/22/2024 Skill scrolls will be random if a mob has less than 5 skills. There is now also a low chance any mob will have a random skill scroll even if they have a large variety of set moves.
1579 07/22/2024 Fixed bug with setcustomitem checking the original item's name for being appropriate. Also, setcustomitem now supports using numbers to distingish objects, such as 0.kunai or 1.kunai.
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