Genjutsu should be less "DoT", more "channel"

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Genjutsu should be less "DoT", more "channel"

Post by Yuuta »

As it stands, when I use a Genjutsu, I form the necessary hand seals and then, voila, I am pushing tons of illusions onto the enemy. At this time, it doesn't matter what I do -- I can run away, I can attack, I can even begin to use other techniques, and the time the Genjutsu will remain on the enemy will stay the same.

What I propose is to make Genjutsu less of a "use and forget" type of attack and more of a "channel" type of skill to both further differentiate it from Taijutsu (instant with delay afterward) and Ninjutsu (delayed use, but no after-use delay) and to also provide more of a realistic approach.

Genjutsu, as it stands, requires the Genjutsu user to manipulate the chakra within the mind of the victim in order to produce the desired effects (illusions, among other things). The initial hand seals are to create the link between the two people, while the rest of the technique relies primarily on the concentration of the Genjutsu user.

Genjutsu should persist on an enemy not for a standard length of time, but indefinitely until they manage to free themselves from it or the user purposely ends the technique. When a person is using Genjutsu on an enemy, there will be a chakra cost to begin the technique (hand seals) and then, if it should be successful, a chakra cost per round to maintain it. During this time, the target will have a chance to break free from the Genjutsu based on the Genjutsu user's level of concentration.

Concentration can be based on a variety of things, including:
How many rooms you've moved in and out of (penalties for moving around)
The usage of other techniques (using Ninjutsu or Taijutsu produces a penalty based on the level of the skill used (can be based on chakra or stamina consumption).
General combat (attacking or being attacked) produces a minor penalty.
The opponent using Genjutsu Kai would produce a large penalty to your concentration.
An opponent with a high Genjutsu level would make it more difficult to maintain your concentration.

The "concentration" value would have a max based on your Genjutsu level. Performing the above actions would weaken the value and make it easier for the enemy to break your Genjutsu, while remaining immobile and inactive will increase the level of your concentration and make it more difficult for them.

The effects of a Genjutsu would also receive a *minor* bonus for higher levels of concentration, as well, promoting effort to maintain it as best as possible.
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Re: Genjutsu should be less "DoT", more "channel"

Post by Gatz »

Hrm, when I was considering Genjutsu and how to do it, I thought of trying a more damage over time approach, but my issue comes with making it viable and interesting. I worry with a damage over time approach, there is no issue breaking it easily unless every single Genjutsu immobilizes the target. Even then, if you went 2v1 against a Genjutsu user, it'd be a shut out, while 2v1 vs a Taijutsu or Ninjutsu user isn't as clear cut.

While I think traditionally, in Naruto, a 2v1 match up would be hard for a Genjutsu user, translating something fair in game is painful. I think originally, Genjutsu was going to be more of a channeled thing. Kori Shinchu originally was setup like that, but I have a hard time seeing how it is viable in a game environment.

So, I guess what I'm getting at is I'd like to see how this would work in-game to make it so a Genjutsu user could still go toe to toe even with a Ninjutsu user throwing out clones, or a Taijutsu user doing some heavy hitting damage. The reason I like things now is that you can always break free of the Genjutsu, either by paying a cost in Chakra (Genjutsu Kai) or Health (Break). However, if you wanna be a tough guy you can always just let it run out normally.
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Re: Genjutsu should be less "DoT", more "channel"

Post by Wungar »

Just a thought from this end.....

I agree with both points. Some ideas could be a high-level ability that allows you to target multiple people in the same room, that way someone who is focused on genjutsu isn't totally just nerfed in a 2v1.

Also, I think genjutsu would be a lot more fun with the addition of a command interface like some LSC 3.0 stuff. Only instead of it requiring a certain one, you could tell it what to do(to reflect the different skills that affect certain things) Even make it a bit more customizeable as far as messages go for those abilities so that people would have unique jutsu. Would be interesting, though like always I think my proposed ideas are more work than they could potentially be worth.

Just some stuff to think about.

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Re: Genjutsu should be less "DoT", more "channel"

Post by Yuuta »

The "concentration" value I proposed that determines when a Genjutsu would end (or not end) can be tweaked around to go off of many variables. For example, it could be more than possible for a Genjutsu user to apply Genjutsu to more than one person at a time, but that doing so will increase the steady chakra drain and reduce concentration, making it easier for the targets to break out of it as opposed to if they were the only one affected. Those who specialize further in Genjutsu will be able to hold onto more targets at once (and the targets that are more specialized in Genjutsu will require the most repeated uses since they would keep breaking it).

Genjutsu is, *as it is now*, a Damage over Time approach. You use your Genjutsu, it deals damage for a certain period of time. It runs out, you reuse the Genjutsu on the target. Rinse and Repeat.

Simple DoT.

The main difference between my proposed channeled Genjutsu and how it is now is that, for the most part, it won't just run out on its own -- you have to take steps to release yourself from the Genjutsu (running away from the target, specifically targeting them, Kai, Break). Every few moments there will be a *chance* to break based on factors -- "concentration", as I've put it -- but it won't simply run off as it does now, based on a timer. It will also require you to pay attention for when the target manages to free themself from their Genjutsu as opposed to simply timing it so that your next Genjutsu lands immediately after your first one finishes.

It's also as Wungar says, there could be an inclusion of a skill that allows you to select multiple targets for your Genjutsu at once... for a reduced initial concentration (thus increasing the chances of it breaking earlier than usual), perhaps?
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