You may have noticed messages now have tags on them. The tags are listed below:
[OPEN] - Bug is acknowledged and is open for investigation.
[Fixed] - Bug is now fixed and resolved.
[NAB] - Not a Bug, something is as designed
[WNF] - Will not Fix, issue can be considered a bug but there will be no fix made.
Please only let moderators tag your messages with what is appropriate. If you feel an item has been mistagged, then contact an admin. If a bug is marked [Fixed] and shows up again, post a reply in the bug with the information so it can be changed to [OPEN].
Also, you'll notice a tags which will be [BUILDING] or [CODE], there might possible be more in the future, but this helps assign it to the person who needs to do the work.
Tags on Messages
Tags on Messages
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD