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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:26 am
by Gatz
Eeps, I was hoping if you won't against the general consensus, which is 'like it', you'd post why. That way it might convince others or give a reason beyond impulse. Hopefully anyone else who wants to vote against it will post their reason why, not for flame bait but honest discussion.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:11 pm
by Tetsumaru
All right. Here's my take on it. Love the idea of a Samurai class. It's an excellent idea. Gender specific... well... it has it's definitive pros and cons. Yes, sticking true to history tells us that there were no samurai. However, we have to place context of world setting within the context of reality. Often, in video games, anime, and manga, and so forth... we see female samurai warriors. However... they usually aren't running around wielding daisho, and wearing splint mail armor. My ultimate suggestion? Make a compromise. Allow for female Samurai, however, make it sort of a seperate class. Most often, in media where we see female samurai depicted, they use a Yari, or a Naginata. Perhaps give the female samurai class skills based on that, rather than based on swordplay. This way, females can still be samurai, yet we preserve a moderate balance with the gender vs. class issue, and bring a more anime/manga-ish feel, rather than stray into the realm of gritty cold hard reality. But then... I'm a moron, so pay no heed to me.
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:50 am
by Gatz
Hm, good points Tetsu. However, would it be so hard to make a female character or male character if you wanted to play a certain way? I already have sex based skills in the works that will make it so only one sex could learn it. I think if one sex was setup to make it impossible to play the other and not suck, it would be a much different story. However, if done well then it'd work pretty good.
We've had players already decide to create characters of the opposite sex of their own and why not? I just don't subscribe to the philosophy that a game should make it so every race/sex should get the same advantages or disadvantages. Just that it needs balance so that no one can truly dominate the other.
However, most females I actually consulted about this seemed to think they wouldn't want to be samurai anyways. =P
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:35 am
by Enzou
Why not pull a Disgaea and make the Samurai a Male class, but then follow up with a similar class for Females? I think they had Ronin, but you get the idea.
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:35 am
by Gatz
I know the thread is getting long, but to sum-up what has been said. If the samurai class was male only, then females would get a female only class.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:12 am
by Keisu
As long as you don't go with the typical Dancer. I always hated that class =o
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:17 am
by Gatz
I've seen lots of dynamite ideas for female classes. I was mainly thinking something more of a support class. Like FFT's dancer. Someone mentioned Shrine Maiden and I like that.
I think the class should be more trended to non-violence. However, I thought about it and figured maybe it could just be that females get some sort of passive bonuses with other jobs and not get their own. Say, for example, they could be tailors or farmers or any other future job with more ease. Maybe the quality of work will be the same for both but female characters pick it up faster or perform the job faster.
Other ideas were a Geisha style job, which would be like a dancer. However, with all jobs it is going to be like normal jobs, you can quit or change jobs. This is dumbing down what my total idea is, but I just didn't want people thinking jobs were like classes and you were stuck with whatever you first picked. I don't want folks derailing the conversation with off topic posts on how job switching could happen, just because I want to keep this topic focused on the Samurai job and possibly female-centric job.
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:06 am
by Midaki
I like it, but I'm not so hot on Geisha/Dancer, just from the idea. I would be more for a female-only combat class that would be different, but equivalent. It doesn't have to be even vaguely the same, it just seems that if one gender has more combat jobs than the other, it will make most people avoid that gender. I'll edit this if I can think of a good job idea.
Edit: Still no idea, ut it gave me an interesting idea for a bloodline ability/primary. What if a certain primary let you access gender-specific classes when henge'd as that gender? Like, a female could henge into a male, and while henge'd, use the Samurai class.
Double Edit: Just a thought... why not give them an extension to the ninja class instead? Give them a fourth skill tier dealing with chakra control, which most females in Naruto seem quite good at. Skills letting you temporarily buff stats with chakra, infuse blows with chakra, and be more efficient with ninjutsu/genjutsu, for example.
The Samurai class would be brilliant.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:12 pm
by Higen
Samurai have always been my favorite class in rpgs. Simply because they are knights who focus primarily on sword play. Granted they also know how to use other traditional weapons.
I think it would be awesome to get Samurai in the game allowing various sword styles/schools to sprout up. With the different sword schools you could have challange rp sessions to see which style is better.
Famous styles will also bring in more business to the schools, and get mission type jobs for the students of the schools as well. Now if you wanted to play of the Samurai in the feudal sense, then it would be best to see up a nobility system in which the Samurai functioned as Knights and took missions.
Either way for me, both roleplaying options would be fun.
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:28 am
by Zeroken
I love the idea of a Samurai class, that'd just be awesome, and like previously stated would open up a lot of possibilities. But I also think that it could be available for females, too, because there are always rebels doing what people disagree with, but because people disagree with it they would be like outcasts and nobody would want to hire them.. well, virtually nobody, anyway. If not, then the dancer class could be pretty cool, but when I think of something like that I imagine a flexible and fast person hitting like.. pressure points or something which wouldn't be much different than the Hyuga style of fighting.. so yeah, just some random thoughts I had about this.
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:00 pm
by Kensei
The only reason I'd see why women couldn't be Samurai is in the Japanese language Samurai is actually gender specific, but in regards to a mud that deals with I'm gonna say mostly Americans, I'd think female Samurai would be fine. It'd be a waste of a space to make female class seperate
as in the end when it comes down to it martial arts wise, they both amount to be the same.
Kioji stated, like a year ago (I'm not trolling, just clearing up information since this thread seems to still be active and only 3 pages long.),
To put a little bit of history in here Woman Samurai never exisited they weren't allowed to be Samurai and if they were anything like a samurai they were known as Ronin and thats becuase Ronin were rogue warriors who trained on there own.
It's true that female Samurai didn't exist, but there were women who were the equivalent of what would be considered a "female samurai". They weren't labled as Ronin, as that was a title reserved for masterless Samurai. The correct term for those female warriors was onna bugei-sha and they did happen to serve under lords. A famous onna bugei-sha was Tomoe Gozen, wife of Lord Minamoto Yoshinaka who she served, and she was considered an extremely fierce warrior who was very proficient with the sword and bow. Most women on the buke class (the samurai class, more or less) were trained in the martial ways as when the men attacked other provinces it was the women who defended it.
Anyways, from a gamer's point of view onna bugei-sha and samurai amount to about the same thing in regards of skill, and it would seem somewhat pointless to create another class that could possibly have the same skills.
Also, I hope no one was offended as that definitely wasn't my intention and I wouldn't mind if it was male only, as my preference would be to play a male samurai, so the gender-specific things really doesn't affect me in any way.
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:02 am
by Sukotto
alright i know im coming into this a little late, but isent adding a samurai class changing the main focus of the game? it just dosent seem right to me... thats just my opinion though
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:23 pm
by Koyomi
OO i agree with Kensei (atleast i think it was Kensei), i remember reading one day about that Tomoe lady :x also uhhh. . . i am quite forgetful, but i remember the person who posted after Kensei. . . uhhh. . . said it'd be changing to focus of the game or w/e, and i kinda agree. . . I mean, though there were samurai (if i remember clearly) in Naruto (i believe, like those guys from the Akagi family or w/e :o) then. . . yeah. . . i guess. . . but it'd be kinda odd to see samurai outnumber ninja in a Naruto mud @_@. . . i doubt it'd happen. . .
but. . . if you end up adding samurai, add the Tea country (that country that has no ninja i think it was tea. . .) and if you don't allow female samurai then. . . don't give us some healing job, i like hitting stuff ; ; (i'd probably continue being a ninja anyway :o)
wow. . . this is my first post on ANYTHING, so if it sucked, then~~~~~ meh~~ sorry ; ; everybody have fun now^^;;
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:28 am
by Aikou
looks cool, but why?
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:17 pm
by Gatz
Moved to the Development section.