Newbie Helper Toggle?

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Newbie Helper Toggle?

Post by Gatz »

I have been thinking, and based on some old suggestions, why not make Newbie Helper something you can config on and off? No need to apply, but anyone who abused it wold be punished. By default, NH would be turned off and similar to the way OOC works, it'd be able to be turned on when you get access to OOC.

The plus side would be anyone could be a NH without applying, I think the potential down side would be lack of control. Characters could try to be NHs and just be jerks and not get caught and lead to all sorts of bad situations. The current method lets us screen out potential NHers, but the downside is a lot of folks don't apply when they probably would do it otherwise.

So, thoughts?
Gatz Seijuro,
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Re: Newbie Helper Toggle?

Post by Yamashita »

I am of the opinion that, especially recently, the Newbie Helper title is being given out too freely. Newbie Helpers are supposed to be the experienced players who follow the rules and are willing to help the newbies follow the rules and figure out the system that they already know so well. If this system does go into effect (which I hope it does not), there should be some restrictions on who can assume the NH badge, and more than just access to OOC. I'd personally prefer that a NH be at least a Genin possibly with an hours played requirement as well, though that might fall within the realm of achieving Genin.

Edit: I've also noticed that in the past six months a majority of the players on at most times I am on have been NHs, so I don't think we're really hurting for helpers.
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