What Client Do You Use?
What Client Do You Use?
NarutoMUD has been Portal Enchanced for awhile now, that being said, I noticed a lot of folks don't use it. So, Poll time! Which do you use and why?
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: What Client Do You Use?
I use MUSHclient because it's good and free.
I tried Portal once and it was pretty good but I'd rather not have to pay for it because I'm cheap.
I tried Portal once and it was pretty good but I'd rather not have to pay for it because I'm cheap.
Re: What Client Do You Use?
Fire Client for the win. Its free and saves me the time of typing in a command multiple times and allows me to scroll through any previous commands i typed in.
Re: What Client Do You Use?
I use Little Big Client most of the time. I like it because of how basic it is. I use portal sometimes when I'm at work, but I'm not fond of the whole profile-login feature; I like connecting to the mud then putting in my information there.
Re: What Client Do You Use?
Ichiro wrote:I use Little Big Client most of the time. I like it because of how basic it is. I use portal sometimes when I'm at work, but I'm not fond of the whole profile-login feature; I like connecting to the mud then putting in my information there.
You can make a 'Guest' profile. I use it whenever I don't use my home 'puter to log into NarutoMUD. It doesn't do any of the fancy login stuff, but when I'm on my home computer I like the profile option so I don't have to constantly re-enter my info.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: What Client Do You Use?
Ya Cheap here too, GMUD is free and easy to use. Besides it's also the first one I've tried using. I've tried ZMUD Lite, but I still prefer GMUD, mostly because I can set my hot keys a lot easer to set up jutsu without having to spend to much time trying to get it set up on ZMUD Lite and having it not working properly. With GMUD hot keys are just a click away and straight forward in their use.
Cloud: I don't care about names. What I need is a battlefield.
Re: What Client Do You Use?
I use Portal for playing, Little Big Client for building, and TinTin++ when I'm on a Unix machine. I must be schizo...
Re: What Client Do You Use?
Zmud - though primarily because it provides scripting support - something that can be pretty useful on other muds.
The other 99% of the functions, I'm blissfully unaware of.
The other 99% of the functions, I'm blissfully unaware of.
(OOC) Amun: Darn Taiki and his branding me a corpse troll =p
(OOC) Amun: Darn Taiki and his branding me a corpse troll =p
Re: What Client Do You Use?
I use Portal, though I liked the font settings for LBC so I put those in.