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by Higa Yamamoto
Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:57 am
Forum: Skills
Topic: Reworking the Taijutsu System
Replies: 3
Views: 1928

Re: Reworking the Taijutsu System

I think the basis of my idea needs a little clarification. The purpose of this "combo" (note the quotes) system, is a representation of a ninja's dedication to their art, specifically focusing on taijutsu. Not to say you can't be a jack of all trades, but a shinobi who dedicates his skill points towards more taijutsu based skills should be rewarded accordingly.

For someone like Rock Lee, who is 100% taijutsu, that's equivalent to spending all 10 skills in taijutsu.
For someone like Naruto, he's seeking more jutsus, so his taijutsu is lacking.

In the case of a mist ninja, he's sort of like Naruto. Let's say he dedicates 5 skill points to ninjutsus, 2 to haburi and ishiryoku, he has 3 skills left. He could choose 3 low level taijutsu moves for a low level combo. Or if he is skilled enough, he could choose a decently single strong taijutsu move, while using his 2 other skills for his personal needs (skill for RPing, what have you).
In the case of a taijutsu artist, he too should similarly dedicate 5 skill points to his art; these 5 points in skill should create a combo worthy of his skill. Perhaps then, these combos need to be based on the user's taijutsu level: low level taijutsu would either limit you to either a bad/cheap combo; high level would give you greater flexibility as well as better combos to work with.

There are multiple ways we can go about with this, using a variety of low level skills could give you a +damage modifier, where punch, kick, double kick, etc. (skills of that caliber), can only be used once, in preparation for a finisher (like buddhist or god fist). So to those that spend more skill points, you are given the ability to "charge up" more.
As well, we could have all combos unlocked by the use of an extra skill point, or have specific combos unlocked by extra skill points, or require them to be learned from a quest, or a mix of these ideas.

But ultimately I digress, the issue was the fact a "taijutsu" user could incredibly loosely spend his skill points to his desires (in this case, spending them specifically for PSM gains). The result is that he's not really a taijutsu user at all.
by Higa Yamamoto
Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:15 am
Forum: Skills
Topic: Reworking the Taijutsu System
Replies: 3
Views: 1928

Reworking the Taijutsu System

When I was discussing NarutoMUD with Ichiro, an interesting topic was raised: skills were being chosen due to their PSM effects. I have to admit I full under this category. As Ichiro said, "They [the PSMs] are not designed for that purpose", the purpose of just inflating my stat points. After some thinking I have to say I do agree with him.

I believe that my ability to choose skills for their PSMs is in part due to an inherent flaw on the taijutsu system. Skills that I actually have a use for are Buddhist Palm for PvP, and Dragon Punch for PvM (mobs). As such, I have an incredible flexibility in choosing my other skills and thus I have the option of choosing skills for their PSMs.

PSMs are there to represent something. Without divulging any info, any seasoned player would realize what the PSMs represent for that particular skill. I chose to have a skill that gave me +4 stat even though I have absolutely no need for the skills inherent ability. Likewise most of my other skills follow the same reasoning.

Yes, PSMs are there to add bonuses to your chars. Yes, you are given the freedom to mix and match many skill combos so that you can improve yourself. But the extent of a taijutsu's user ability to mix and match PSMs does seem a little overboard.

I can't readily speak for the PSMs of a mist ninja, but what I can say is that a Mist ninjutsu player would have certain skills due to the very fact they are a mist ninjutsu user (redundant sentence). What I mean to say, a mist ninjutsu character would understandably have Souken Mizu, Suiryuudan, and if they're strong enough Mastery, Daibakufu, and Mizu Hatsudenki. Those are all very IC skills. Especially Souken Mizu and Mizu Hatsudenki due to the water requirement of water jutsus. It's very synergistic and perhaps that's the key to a more balanced Taijutsu system.

The most basic skill a normal taijutsu user should be able to do is punch correct? I claim to be a taijutsu user but I can't even punch. Granted I could easily unlearn something and relearn punch. But the point is, it's not particularly IC that I normally wouldn't be able to do such a simple move a taijutsu user could do.

What I suggest is a way to use low level skills even at high levels: a "combo" system. Some of you might have seen it in other places, but the idea is a sequence of user inputted skills would consequently deal extra damage (much more so if they were used separately by themselves).

E.g. a specifically coded combo of kick, double kick, and triple kick would result in a display of sextuple kick (completely made up) doing bonus damage; thus if i were to kick, double kick and triple kick, i would set off sextuple kick; if i were to kick, double kick, punch, triple kick (nothing would happen); nor would anything happen if i went triple, double, single. Thus a character could become a kick "master". Similarly, one could go the route of punching (if there were a design for it).

Or like how Rock Lee does his super fast kick to launch the opponent into the air for his Shadow Dance technique, taijutsu users could have a launcher move to cause a round of battle stun (the stun move itself should do minimal damage, but it's most significant ability is to be able to launch a much stronger combo). Sasuke's Lion Rendan falls under the same idea of a taijutsu combo.

The idea is very very basic and underdeveloped. I mean off the top of my head there are tons of balancing issues, like the moment you get triple kick, could you sextuple kick for the super damage, wouldn't that be overpowering for a lowbie, etc. With support of the community, it's not hard to continue to create a much better and more balanced system. *That is* if the community agrees that there is *even* a problem to begin with.
by Higa Yamamoto
Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:26 am
Forum: Skills
Topic: Skills Learned Via Quest?
Replies: 2
Views: 1772

Re: Skills Learned Via Quest?

It's a good idea. The quest should be involving/interactive (similar to LSC 3.0). What I mean is, for a skill like kage bunshin, it should be more than go find scroll come back and Bam! you learn the skill; regardless of whether it's hard to find or if there's a series of hard mobs to kill. Although if the whole quest is particularly involving, then perhaps that's challenging enough. But what i mean is, it would be neat to have an interactive way to learn to skill as well.

Maybe you would first have to learn bunshin first (the one that doesn't make a shadow, the one Naruto keeps failing in Ep 01). Players could be granted the "bunshin" skill for the purposes of training kage bunshin.

Maybe you need to first chakra mold then input the handseals before learning it (that would be neat).
The order of handseals could be a simple riddle from the scroll.

For the ckakramolding it could be a minigame where you input numbers (or words) which modifiy how much chakra you mold, while the handseals act like a timer. (So first maybe you need to solve the handseal riddle, then input the handseals). What i mean by timer is, as your character automatically does the seals for you, the player has the actively mold chakra. So the player doesn't know the amount he needs and the base chakramolded should fluctuate. So a player molds and molds and molds chakra and when the handseals are done, the better the molded chakra, the better his chances of learning the jutsu.

If say 300 chakra needs to be mold, there should be a leeway of 290-310 which should still be excellent. 280-290 and 310-320 should result in good but also let the players know either too much or too little was molded.

While molding chakra the outputs could go something like this, when you're greatly molding chakra, you mold +10, normal raise is +5, slightly raise is +! (sort of like the chakra mold LSC right now). But as you input the amount, perhaps let it fluctuate. You greatly increase the amount of chakra molded, however {something distracts you greatly (-10)}, {something distracts you (-5)}, {something distracts you slightly (-1)}/{you overconcentrate greatly {+10)}, {you overconcentrate (+5)}, {you overconcentrate slightly (+1)}. Of course there are times when you mold chakra perfectly. (It may be easier if there's a bar output similar to how much exp you need to level like the one in prompt, or if it actually showed the amount of chakra molded; if you can see the number of chakra molded, then overconcentrating and the distractions might be useless since they add in a sort of randomized factor).

And once you've learned the skill, you can unpractice and repractice whenever you want. Without going through the quest again.

I dunno if my idea makes any sense... I think the main idea i wanted to get through is an example of how interactivity could be added. If my idea seemed tedious that wasn't the idea.

More than only a few would still be cool.
by Higa Yamamoto
Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:24 am
Forum: Development
Topic: help gboard/gnote
Replies: 0
Views: 963

help gboard/gnote

These 2 helpfiles could get a little update in terms of their format (rewritten to follow the same convention as help arena) and a little content.
(The formatting may look off due to the forum post system, but in notepad it should be correct.)

------------------------------[Help Database]-------------------------------
Keywords: GBOARD
The gboards are the global channels which is to be used for OOC only! The
gboard's main functions other then immortal announcements is to also allow
players to speak their thoughts and to connect with other players.

Syntax: gboard
gboard <name>
gboard <#>

When 'gboard' is written by itself it will show all the gboards you
can write gnotes in. It also shows if you got any unread messages in the
seperate boards.

'gboard <name>' or 'gboard <#>', allows you to switch specifically to that
particular gboard.
Example: 'gboard bugs' changes the current gboard to Bug.
'gboard 1' changes the current gboard Announce.

NOTE: Gboard Ideas has been replaced by the NarutoMUD forums, please visit
them at and post your ideas on the Development

Suggested Helpfiles To Also Read:

------------------------------[Help Database]-------------------------------
Keywords: GNOTE
The gnote command allows you the ability to read and post on the gboards.
Gnotes is how to send messages all over the mud like email. You can send
either a private gnote or send a public one to everyone.

Syntax: gnote
gnote list [#]
gnote read <#>
gnote write

Typing in 'gnote' allows you to read new gnotes. If you have no new gnotes
in the current gboard, it will cycle to the next gboard.

Typing 'gnote list' will allow you to get a complete list of gnotes and their
numbers from the current gboard. So if you dont know the specific gnote
number, type gnote list to look it up. (This is especially useful for
reading old gnotes.)
Should you input a number after gnote list, you will receive the inputted
number of the most current gnotes.
Example: 'gnote list' shows all notes on the board.
'gnote list 10' shows notes 10 and later on the board.

Typing 'gnote read <#>' will allow you to read a specified gnote.
Example: 'gnote read 5' displays gnote #5 of the current gboard.

Typing 'gnote write' will allow you to begin writing a new gnote for the
current gboard. Only immortals can post notes on Gboard 1 (Announce).
The other boards are open to all players. Because gboards are an OOC channel
you do not need any items to write gnote (i.e. you do not need quills or
blank notes)

NOTE: If you find any bugs, errors, or typos, please post a gnote on
Gboard 3 (Bugs).
NOTE: If you have any ideas, please visit NarutoMUD's forum: and post your ideas on the Development board.

Suggested Helpfiles To Also Read:
Gboard Editor

EDIT: when viewed in the post, the formatting is incredibly off. Under the syntax section, everything should line up nicely. I don't know how to attach a file here, or else I would attach a txt file with suggested changes.

To Gatz: If you "edit" this topic, you will find the format still intact (i.e. you can then copy and paste, should you choose to do so)

p.s. sorry for the double post, couldn't delete the other one.

EDIT 2: Since the original posting, I have now discovered a few things:
1) the existence of help note (help notes), help note2, and help editor
Editor should be listed as a suggested help file to read, while help note and help note2 should be merged with gnote (not to mention they are outdated and need to be updated)

As such, I've updated help Gnote. I'm not sure if help note2 is necessary. It retains info from old smaug-based note writing. Much of the topics included there are explained during the gnote write process. For the sake of help files, I guess it should be updated and kept (always better to have the help file as opposed to *not* having a help file.)

2) when you input gnote <non-existent command>, it redirects you to old format "help note"
E.g. if you type gnote dance, it directs you to old smaug help file help note.
This should be reworked to redirect you to the current help file format.
by Higa Yamamoto
Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:35 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Help Death
Replies: 0
Views: 976

Help Death

The helpfile should be updated with the fact that on death, you lose 1/2 of your current ryo.

[288] Gatz 02/03/2006 Now, half of the Ryo held is lost on death.

This info should be readily available to those who access help death.

Perhaps even a note warning noobies they should visit the bank to prevent the loss of this ryo. The note is unnecessary but helpful. If a new player should use help files, he should be rewarded with correct knowledge of what does happen.
by Higa Yamamoto
Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:59 am
Forum: Development
Topic: New Social: Luck
Replies: 0
Views: 997

New Social: Luck


You cross your fingers for good luck
Yamamoto crosses his fingers for good luck.

luck Shiro

You cross your fingers for Shiro wishing him good luck.
Yamamoto crosses his fingers wishing you good luck.
Yamamoto crosses his fingers and wishes Shiro good luck.

luck self

You cross your fingers and wish yourself good luck.
Yamamoto crosses his fingers and wishes himself good luck... He must be down on luck.
by Higa Yamamoto
Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:56 am
Forum: Skills
Topic: Weapon Attacks
Replies: 4
Views: 2042

Re: Weapon Attacks

The bonus AC I refer to is the ability to parry attacks. Unarmed shinobi's do not get that ability.

[490] Gatz 12/25/2006 Tweaked the way AC is calculated. Raised up some
things, lower others. Biggest change is that weapons
give a small AC boost.
by Higa Yamamoto
Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:58 am
Forum: Role Play
Topic: Fuuma Shuriken
Replies: 0
Views: 2624

Fuuma Shuriken

Keiko lies sprawled out on the sloping side of the waterfall's hill, her fuuma shuriken gleams in the orange glow of the late afternoon sun.

Having just reconciled an old man with his lost daugther, Yamamoto is exploring the town trailing the sound of a waterfall. Walking on top of the water to provide himself a small amount of training, he rounds the corner and finally approaches the waterfall.

Keiko opens her mouth and lets out a quiet yawn, then stretches out her limbs. After a few moments of lying still, she eventually pushes herself up onto her forearms, "Well, I can't laze around all day..."

In the distance at the slope of the waterfall, Yamamoto recognizes the minx-coloured hair of the girl who was just getting up. With the sun at his back, he jumps into air heading towards Keiko.

Glancing around herself slowly, without noticing the quickly approaching figure, Keiko claps her gloved hands together and brings them down into the sloped surface of the grassy hill side. With a gleeful smile upon her face, she presses forward and somersaults down the hill, leaving her giant weapon behind.

Orginally hoping that Keiko would have noticed him in the air, Yamamoto was disappointed to see her get up and leave. Landing, he notices that she has forgotten her weapon by the waterfall. Picking up fuuma shuriken, he picks up speed chasing after her. Catching sight of her, he opens the four-bladed shuriken...

Keiko releases a thrilled squeal as she reaches the base of the hill. With a slow smile curving her lips, she rises to her feet and dusts herself off, "I haven't done that in years..." Her smiles quickly vanishes as she finally hears the quickly approaching footsteps. Quickly, Keiko whips around to face him.

By the time Keiko turns around, the fuuma shuriken is already spinning full speed in Yamamoto's hand. Doing a quick turn to add extra speed and momentum to the shuriken, he throws it directly at Keiko.

Keiko swiftly dodges to the left of lethal weapon as she whirls by, keeping her attention half focused on it's pathway, she briefly flashes an amused smirk at Yamamoto, "It's nice to know that you've become a thief now!"

Laughing at Keiko's remark, Yamamoto tugs something strongly with his left arm. For a half-second, a thin ray of light is reflected at Keiko's eyes. Replying he says, "I see that absent-mindedness is already affecting at your tender age."

Keiko twitches her upper lip in slight amusement, catching the temporairy glint with keen observation, Keiko draws a kunai out and hurls it in the direction where she last saw it, hopefully severing the thread that lies in between Yamamoto and the fuuma shuriken.

With the kunai slicing through the metal wire, Yamamoto no longer had control of the fuuma shuriken. However he did have time to readjust the shuriken's flight path back towards the two. "You haven't won yet!" he exclaims.

With calculating eyes, Keiko momentarily follows the rapidly approaching weapon as it draws between the two and taking a leap back, the fuuma shuriken lodges itself into the earth.

Yamamoto says with a smile on his face, "I do believe that fuuma shuriken belongs to you. I found it by the waterfall and thought it was only right to return it to its owner."

Keiko chuckles softly and lifts her gaze up towards the hill, "You know, I didn't roll too far down. I would've came back for it." Giving Yamamoto a warm smile, she continues. "You're really starting to become a man, y'know?"

Taking a deep bow from his waist at Keiko's compliment Yamamoto asks, "You left there before even realizing I was going to say hello. Thought I'd guarantee you wouldn't lose your shuriken."

Keiko takes a single step forwards towards the uniquely flawed fuuma shuriken. Slipping her fingers through the curved hole, she yanks it from the ground, "Thank you, I appreciate your kindness. It's good to know -someone- won't try and steal my damned weapon." With two masterful swings of her arm, she encases the silver blades and swings the weapon over her shoulder, "What're you doing all the way out here?"

Yamamoto replies. "I had just reunited an old man with his lost daughter. I don't usually come to Hitokurou much and the winds picked up the sound of the small waterfall. I thought I would pass by before I headed back to Kouin, but lo and behold who did I find." Yamamoto smiles.

Keiko bobs her head softly, "Sounds like fun..." Biting her lower lip, she glances up at the steadily darkening sky, "I haven't been there every since I took the Chuunin exams. In fact, I've taken residence here. I just hope Sukotto-kun will be fine without me."

"Oh?" Yamamoto says with a hint of surprise. "I didn't know you moved to Hitokurou. Did you move out of the Tsurugami household?"

Keiko shakes her head briefly, her arms folding across her fish-netted belly, "Not exactly. I just spend most of my time here so I can keep a close eye on the Riyoku."

Yamamoto replies, "They seem to get bolder and more aggressive with each passing day. I hear they are planning for an attack soon."

Keiko releases a soft grunt, "Yeah, I heard."

Yamamoto continues, "I've petitioned for an interrogation to be conducted on some Riyoku ninja to learn more about the attack, but I have yet to hear back from the Uchuukage. I'm sure he'll make a wise decision."

Keiko gently scratches the bridge of her nose with her finger, "Well, I wish you luck on that. I'm going to go ahead and go. Night'll be here soon and I promised Shiro I'd return home."

Looking up at the dusk sky, Yamamoto then nods at Keiko. "I'm heading back to Kouin as well, I'll come with, just in case we run into any pesky Riyoku ninjas looking for trouble."
by Higa Yamamoto
Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:52 am
Forum: Skills
Topic: Weapon Attacks
Replies: 4
Views: 2042

Re: Weapon Attacks

I think that's fair as long as the extra attacks are balanced based on the level you get them; balanced in the way that since a normal weapon outdamages a single unarmed hit, allowing multiple weapon hits shouldn't insanely overpower the multiple unarmed hits. To clarify when you get 2 weapon attacks, you shouldn't be outdamaging unarmed (extra attacks inclusive). Why? With weapons you do get that bonus AC and it does make a substantial difference being able to parry attacks. About outdamaging unarmed, that's with an avg weapon; if you have a +20 weapon, you deserve to outdamage unarmed.
by Higa Yamamoto
Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:47 pm
Forum: Role Play
Topic: Practicing in the Old Practice Field: Yamamoto, Keiko, Sukot
Replies: 0
Views: 2400

Practicing in the Old Practice Field: Yamamoto, Keiko, Sukot

Sukotto stands in the middle of the field, slowly moving through the paces of a kata. Every few moments he would stop and take a drink of water from a flask at his side, then resuming his kata.

Lazily strolling out into the clearing from the surrounding forest, Keiko absently nudges down her headband and bandana, exposing her features to the cool air. Glancing about the clearing, she spies Sukotto but makes no move to announce her presence.

On his way to do some training himself, Yamamoto has been doing a hand-stand walk from Kouin Square all the way to this old practice field. When he sees Sukotto going through the kata form, he flips back to his feet. Slightly out of breath, he asks, "Pass some of that water here will you?"

Stopping his kata, Sukotto picks up the flask and tosses it to Yamamoto. Then removing his mask and goggles, and wiping the sweat from his forehead, he asks, "Look a little tired, just treck here from the town?"

Keiko releases a soundless yawn and slowly climbs into a nearby tree, careful not to announce her presence at all. Once she's settled down on a low, thick branch, she goes back to overlooking the clearing.

Taking a quenching gulp, Yamamoto wipes the few drops of water running down his lips. Tossing the flask back to Sukotto, he says, "Yeah, I was about to do a little training myself. I don't usually come by here, but it's nice to have a change of scenery."

Sukotto places his mask and goggles on the ground, taking a seat under a tree, he takes a deep breath and looks at the sky, "It is nicer here, not so many people and nature all around."

After awhile of watching the two genin talk endlessly, Keiko withdraws a small variety of long-ranged weapons from her pouch and backpack. Hopping up onto a higher branch, she closes a single eye and swiftly sends shurikens, kunais, and an entire assortment of senbons at the two.

Leaping to the closest tree, Yamamoto continues to jump higher to dodge the series of weapons thrown at him. Doing a flip in the air to stabilize his height, he also takes four kunais from his pouch and hurls them directly at the figure on the tree branch.

Looking towards the weapons, Sukotto throws up his arms, allowing several of them to hit him, then with a loud pop the only thing left in place is a log with several kunai in it.

Keiko drops down onto a branch beneath her, allowing the set of kunai to sail past her and into a tree trunk behind her with an audible *thud*. Keeping herself concealed by the tree's thick foliage, Keiko slowly detaches an emormous black blade from her backpack and settles it beside her.

To hide himself, Yamamoto jumps up onto a tree branch and masks himself from his surroundings. He listens carefully for any sounds or movement that would reveal his assailant's position.

Stepping out from behind a tree, Sukotto looks towards where the weapons came from, a clone slowly stepping out from behind him. He quickly starts making handseals, yelling "Suiton! Daibakufu no jutsu!" and a giant wave erupts from the clone, speeding off to where the four kunais were aimed.

Swearing hushedly under her breath, Keiko wraps her gloveless fingers around and through the circular hole in her large black weapon, hauling it with her as she leaps into the next tree beside her, barely being missed by the watery vortex as it crashes into the tree and tears it down.

Using Sukotto's attacking as a diversion, Yamamoto throws a kunai with a sparking tag to the vicinity where he saw the assailant fled to.

Keiko is caught almost completely unaware by the exploding tag. Sucking in a deep breath, Keiko throws up an arm and leaps back further into the tree, hoping to at least get away from most of the explosive power.

Letting very little time pass, Sukotto rushes off towards the trees where the tag was thrown, clearing his throat and letting out one long held note, "Do!"

Keiko releases a pained grunt, but vaguely ignores her chest. Instead, she stands up and flicks the large kunai-like weapon, drawing out all four of it's enormous blades and then lifts it up high in the air. Cringing as the pain increases, Keiko hurls the newly-revealed fuuma shuriken towards Sukotto's approaching form with all her might.

Dropping down to the forest floor, as Yamamoto races to go beneath his assailant, he sees above him a giant windmill shuriken coming straight at Sukotto, who was also dashing to the attacker

Sukotto tries to duck under the shuriken, mostly making it under only have it leave a long cut down his back. Gritting his teeth, he increase to volume of his voice, going to the next octive of his jutsu, "Re!"

Keiko shakily opens her mouth, intaking a deep breath of air before she begins to match Sukotto's steadily rising octaves with her own jutsu, "Do.."

Being caught off guard, Sukotto falls onto the ground holding his back. He quickly makes a few handseals, saying "Anki no jutsu" and is quickly brisked back to the town.

Keiko's wavering voice falls upon deaf ears as Sukotto disappears with in a whirling vortex of wind. Loosing her balance, Keiko defenselessly topples over and plummets down from her branch and into the ground at an alarmingly fast pace.

Seeing a falling figure, Yamamoto summons a large amount of chakra to his legs. Propelling himself off the ground, he ricochets between two trees intercepting the fall. Catching the figure, he notices something familiar about the minx coloured hair. However, landing a large branch, he pins the figure against the trunk.

Keiko lets out a soft grunt as Yamamoto pins her to the roughened trunk of the tree. With her face mostly concealed by the bandana and her minx colored bangs, Keiko dazedly stares into his face.

Yamamoto stares into oceanic blue eyes of the face hidden behind a red bandana. Realizing who it was, he loosens his grip and letting himself fall upside down. He catches himself with his feet at the bottom of the branch. Dangling upside down, he says, "I should have know it was you."

Keiko makes little to no attempt to support herself once the pressure from Yamamoto's palms leave her body. Slowly, her weakened form slides down the trunk and settles on the thickened branch with both of her lean legs dangling on either side, "I thought I'd try and surprise you both. I suppose it was a bad idea when I was down to half of my strength.".

Yamamoto scratches his head, "Sukotto sure left in a hurry when you let out your 'Do'. I've never seen anybody flee that fast."

Keiko releases a weak chuckle. She lifts her arms and curls her hands around two thinner branches just above her head, adjusting her torso into a much more comfortable position, "I'm not sure why..."

Flipping himself upright back on top of the branch, Yamamoto takes two riceballs from his backpack. He tosses a riceball at Keiko and says, "I made some food for after my training, but that was a decent exercise."

A delicate eyebrow perking slightly, Keiko glances down at the riceball as it lands on her lap, "Thank you..."

Stretching his arms and letting out a large yawn, Yamamoto says, "Days like this you just want to be lazy and lounge around doing nothing." Continuing his stretch, he leans further backwards with each passing second until he falls backwards catching himself with legs on the branch once again.

Keiko tilts her torso to the side and lowers her gaze down towards Yamamoto's descending form, "So, what've you been up to?"

Swinging gently upside down, Yamamoto replies, "There's been a lack of other genins in Time Village, so the Uchuukage always sends me on solo missions. The other genins are busy with their own tasks as well I suppose. What about you?"

Keiko closes her eyes and leans back against the tree's trunk slowly, an exhausted sigh escaping her parted lips, "Family affairs, training, and hunting down the riyoku."

"The Riyoku have gotten more active as of late. It should only be a matter of time before an official mission is set to deal with their leader. I wonder if the Uchuukage will assign me the mission. A party to deal with him would be nice." Yamamoto actually almost slips, but he catches himself and sits back upright facing Keiko.

Keiko's eyes follows Yamamoto's movement with a practiced ease. After a moment, she lifts up a shoulder in response, "I doubt you'd be able to take him on and defeat him, Yamamoto. The Uchuukage would send chuunin and my family out there who've had a bit more experience."

"I don't know much about your family except it's the largest one in Time Village. Both my parents are dead, and the only other family I know is missing right now. What's the Tsurugami Clan like?" Yamamoto asks.

With a subtle yawn from beneath her bandana, Keiko hiddenly smiles as she speaks, "They're like any other family. Our home is pretty huge and everyone's treated me like I'd been there all along, but they hold high expectations."

Looking up to the sky, Yamamoto absorbs what he just heard. "A big family..."

Keiko slowly rises on the tree branch. Holding up a hand and lifting two fingers at Yamamoto in parting, Keiko jumps down from the tree and disappears into the forest without a single word uttered.
by Higa Yamamoto
Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:24 pm
Forum: Role Play
Topic: An Ally in the Deep Riyoku Forests
Replies: 0
Views: 1782

An Ally in the Deep Riyoku Forests

Dashing through the treetops, Yamamoto glances back to see a squad of Riyoku assassins giving chase. Failing to lose them in the forest, he turns to accurately throw two kunais, taking one of them out.

Sukotto walks peacefully through the forest, humming a light tune. Hearing some slight noise from a distance, he looked up, noticing someone dashing through the treetops being persued by several others. He quickly makes a few hand-seals, yelling, "Mizu bunshin no jutsu!", watching as a clone appeared at his side.

Upon hearing "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!", Yamamoto turns to see two identical shinobis on the forest floor. Noticing they lacked the Riyoku uniform and seeing Time Village Forehead Protectors, he yells, "A little help please!"

Drawing upon the water in his clone, Sukotto and the clone both start making hand-seals, yelling "Suiton! Suiryuudan no jutsu!" With a motion from both of their arms, two water dragons erupt from the clone, rocketing off towards the Riyoku ninja. He turned his head towards the person, nodding.

Knowing that he now had an ally, Yamamoto takes out his remaining five kunais and hails a series of throws towards the remaining Riyoku ninja.

Rushing towards the ninja, Sukotto takes a deep breath, letting out three high pitched notes "Do! Re! Me!" Sukotto watches as the ninja doubled over, grinning as the kunais find their marks.

Now that the assassins were all dealt with, Yamamoto jumps down from the tree next to his fellow ally. "Both water and sound jutsus. I'm impressed. I'm Higa Yamamoto, thanks for the hand back there."

Bowing, Sukotto studies Yamamoto a bit before saying "I am Tsurugami Sukotto, and one does not survive by limiting their knowlege to one village's jutsu friend." Smiling he takes out a canteen of water, taking a drink, he offers it to Yamamoto.

Accepting the canteen, Yamamoto takes a refreshing drink of water. "A most welcomed drink," says Yamamoto as he returns the canteen. "What brings you so deep into these Riyoku woods?"

Sukotto leans against a tree, taking the canteen back. "Well I was hoping to find their leader, I need to have a few words with him if you catch my drift. What brings you out this way?"

Walking over to the dead Riyoku ninja that were nearby, Yamamoto retrieves a few kunais that were still intact saying, "Just on my way back from helping lost girl find her father. The Riyoku are causing too much trouble in this area. Need a hand with their chief? I wouldn't mind venting out some frustration his ninjas have given me."

Nodding, Sukotto dusts himself off saying "That would be great, but for now I need to rest, I spent quite a bit of chakra using Solfege..."

Taking out a few rolls of bandages, Yamamoto says, "A break is what I need as well, some time to take care of some of these cuts."
by Higa Yamamoto
Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:05 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Kata Hebi & Kata Tsuru - new ways to raise stats
Replies: 5
Views: 1614

Re: Kata Hebi & Kata Tsuru - new ways to raise stats

Yamashita pointed me here when we were discussing Katas and I said I could help. I'm not sure what needs to be done, but on behalf of the NM community, we are highly looking forward to new katas.

What sort of ideas are you looking for? I'm sure I can bounce some decent ideas. Are you looking for more forms? (Hebi forms? Tsuru forms? Panda forms?) Are you looking for help-file updates/explanations? Are you looking for the kata sentence outputs (the yellow sentences that show you what you're doing during that form)?

Let me know what I can do to help cut down your work load. New Katas are highly anticipated.
by Higa Yamamoto
Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:58 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Chuunin
Replies: 4
Views: 1445

Chuunin Quests

I think a simple yet effective Chuunin bonus would be a type of automated quest. The system would require a genin to be a group leader with the max of 1 chuunin in the group. Why is the genin the group leader will be explained later. The quest would involve killing a mob, getting an item, finding a lost npc (be it pet or human). Yes there are genin missions, but for the chuunin quests, there should always be a boss guarding said objective which would require the chuunin (and his little party) to defeat.

The question as to why a genin needs to lead the group. It encourages the genin to explore by forcing him to have an active role in the quest/mission, as opposed to just being dragged along. You can consider these training missions for both the genin and chuunin, where the genins are "trained" on exploring, and chuunin "teaching" genins. If someone leadership is switched, then the quest should be failed.

That's the basic idea. Even right now, I see some flaws where the chuunin can go off and do everything even if the leader is still genin. Maybe force the objectives (items or npcs) to be leader specific, such that the item is either no_drop/no_give or must be picked by the genin who was issued the quest; the lost npc must follow the genin to the quest's required destination or it won't work. The chuunin would have to protect the genins from dying.

It's just an idea what do you think?
by Higa Yamamoto
Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:55 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Grouping
Replies: 6
Views: 1705

Re: Grouping

About the xp portion, all I had in mind was you getting the same amount of Xp as you would from a normal hit against the enemy.

If you normally get 3-6k from one hit, then a successful block for your partner would give you the same amount. Not so much as completely sharing exp or anything like that. The idea came to me where I saw green text (in my head) saying XXXX blocked/parried a hit for you amidst all the fighting.

Then it evolved into giving bonus AC to party members which would represent such an event occuring.
by Higa Yamamoto
Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:01 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Grouping
Replies: 6
Views: 1705

Re: Grouping

I'm not saying to add shared xp, i'm just making a point of its non-existence to support the idea of you gaining exp for succesfully blocking a blow for your teammate.