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Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:35 pm
by Sayono
Everyone gets hungry and thirsty... And i think that the Ramen shops finally need a reason to be used... I would love to eat some Ramen every now and then : ).
Doing this would add a sense of realism naruto style... Naruto ets hungry all the time >.> Of course having a hunger system can sometimes be rather annoying having to eat every 10 mins. I was thinking there could be a timer on how long it takes for your hunger status to kick back in. Like every so days that past You will begin to feel thirsty or hungry They can have minor effects on you until finally your dying of hunger.... Si we can carry around ninja canteens and eat corpse >.>
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:16 pm
by Yokichi
Or we can use the whole "eating with other people" count as a way to lsc for CHA. I would rather have a way to LSC for CHA than becoming hungry and thristy.
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:17 am
by Sayono
Eating can also have an effect on how much you weigh in game.... And utilizing kata can trim some of it off... In a sense... That increases Charisma : )
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:06 am
by Gatz
Sayono wrote:Eating can also have an effect on how much you weigh in game.... And utilizing kata can trim some of it off... In a sense... That increases Charisma : )
I dunno, I think if your character started weighing 300 lbs because she ate Ramen 5 times a day, you might be a bit upset.
[Edit: Then again, we could start having in-game Kevin Trudeau books to help you 'cure' your weight problem.]
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:27 am
by Abigeiru
I dunno, I always found hunger/thirst code to be VERY annoying (unless you're a vampire pixie aka mosquito). Every 15 minutes you'd have to go and eat and drink. Perhaps we can make grouping being beneficial for lsc charisma.
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:00 pm
by Sayono
I know hunger and thrist is rather annoying every 15 mins I was thinking time can be drawn out longer than that. Eating Ramen 5 times a day will eventually make you huge... But Kataing could decrease weight and overtime increase Cha LSC.
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:07 pm
by Gatz
My only grip with this idea is that I always wanted LSC to be a supplement in the game play, not required. I think most people would be upset if they had to eat, but yet had to lose weight because of the food they ate. It would make the game real life.
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:04 am
by Inyi
I think if people only ate when they're hungry, there never would be any problem with weight gain. Now if you put in a candy parlor, on the other hand....
Re: Hunger/Thirst
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:10 pm
by Ichiro
I've always thought it would be nice if we could just eat, whether or not it actually has an effect on anything; drinking is already like this. While we maintain a constant state of being full, we can still drink sake, or water if you find a fountain, so it just seems like we could at least eat the food that's already present in the game.
If you really want food to actually do something though, different foods could have different amounts of time that it would take to eat them. During that time we might recover hp or chakra (depending on the food) slightly more quickly (possibly even at different rates depending on the food).