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Arena Ranks

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:53 pm
by Hitoshi
The current ranks are

Code: Select all

Rank A - Both fighters are above level 200.
Rank B - Both fighters are between 101 and 200.
Rank C - Both fighters are between 10 and 100.

While this is somewhat nice the fact that there is no one above level 200 sort of rules A out of the group so here's just a new proposal

Code: Select all

Rank S - Both fighters are above level 225.
Rank A - Both fighters are between 151 and 225.
Rank B - Both fighters are between 76 and 150.
Rank C - Both fighters are between 10 and 75

Re: Arena Ranks

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:59 pm
by Gatz
I like this idea, but I always felt the first rank is a bit crazy. How about:

Code: Select all

Rank S - Both fighters are above level 225.
Rank A - Both fighters are between 151 and 225.
Rank B - Both fighters are between 76 and 150.
Rank C - Both fighters are between 41 and 75.
Rank D - Both fighters are between 10 and 40.

It might balance it out a bit better, because a level 10 player and level 75 player is a bit uneven. However, I dunno that adding more ranks is better, but this might be fairly balanced out.

Re: Arena Ranks

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:09 pm
by killan
I like what Gatz just proposed there, becasue the C level currently is a little to wide and unbalanced, haveing little newbies getting challegned by people woh have be on the game for weeks and then just getting dominated.