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Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:15 pm
by Gatz
Post suggestions for Genjutsu here. Please make sure to go beyond just naming an existing skill from Naruto. Try to explain how it would work in the game.
a few skill ideas
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm
by Aikou
Heres a few... seeing as no else has posted any...
sleep(Nemuri) - simply puts the victim to sleep
paralyze(hyouketsu) - paralyzes victim for so many combat rounds
mindblast(kokoro bakuha) - inflicts damage to victim, based on con/int or ability (poor/well/ect) with genjutsu
Darkness (Ankoku) - something akin to blind
Hallucination (Genkaku) - Makes victim see every mob as the user of the ability perhaps... would be nice for a Genkaku, flee combination in pvp come back with something powerful... I dunno, could be different in rp even...
My idea is having these skills at a higher level, maybe sleep around 35, but the rest above 50... also I think these would be nice to open up the genjutsu rp field, and add more diversity...
Please comment, and if you have any of your own ideas, please post them!! Genjutsu was really cool.
- Aikou
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:53 pm
by Midaki
I had one I created for a forum RP. It's simple and cool. Basically, it's a fake primary. You could turn it on, and you would have all the display messages of the Sharigan, or the Byakugan, or a few others, maybe, but they wouldn't do anything in reality. It shouldn't be too hard to code, and would make RPing really awesome.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:40 pm
by Mitsunari
Take sneak off as a Genjutsu ability.
Genjutsu users should get some kind of uber-sneak but sneaking and hiding is a basic ability of ninjas in Naruto.
EDIT: I know there isn't much Genjutsu right now but if it shouldn't be there, it shouldn't be there
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:55 pm
by Matsu
Urumu- definition, to be clouded, be dimmed, or to be Blurred.
Alright this is a genjutsu that would have a few levels to it based on chakra used. to simply Urumu <target> would cloud the enemies sight making it seem as if they where in a fog, effect. this would lower their accuracy grealy. the next level would be an even greater lower in accuracy and would make the target feel as if they where in the dark. And level three, Level three would be somewhat differenet. instead of affecting the targets vision it would cloud the targets mind, if it hits successfully the target is made unable to attack his enemy first and give combat lag giving the genjutsu user the chance at a first strike.
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:43 pm
by Ichike
Genjutsus are really powerful in Naruto, but I think that we've seen the level order of them too:
1) Last chance get out of genjutsu (stab yourself etc)
2) "Release" get out of genjutsu - simply dispels the genjutsu
3) Confusion - trick opponent who strikes air instead of you
4) Illusion - make opponent fight another creature which hits them too (for a limited period of time)
5) Protection from genjutsu (limited time duration - genjutsus have less chance to succeed)
6) Sleep - for limited period of time they are asleep
7) Trap - for longer period of time they are trapped, and can be hit
8) Force genjutsu backfire - cast immediately before another genjutsu, chance to trap them in their own genjutsu
All genjutsus should compare intelligence / genjutsu levels, and should be a chance to escape from them in every attack round.
Protection from genjutsu was always the first genjutsu taught.
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:41 am
by isken
1. a genjutsu that would make your opponent think they are fighting something. combat messages would scroll up but no real fight or damage would happen. could make it so if the person affected by the genjutsu leaves the room it is dispelled. would mainly be used to distract a person to regen or simply keep them busy. would be fun to play with?
2. a move that makes the other person think they are dead. all the messages that come up upon death will scroll on the victims screen, and combat they are in would be halted. you could also use this genju on yourself and make your opponent think you died. yahknow, just to mess with peoples heads.
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:36 am
by Ichike
I'll do this one more completely.
Motsu (bind)
Level: 10
Chakra cost: 25
Rounds to create handseals: 2 (with mastery/soranjiru it can become almost instant)
Binds the target to the spot, unable to move for a period of time. Works like "stun" in other muds.
Rounds where they can't move: 3
Chance to fail: 100-(practised)% (i.e. at 50% practise, it can fail 50% of the time)
Chance to be resisted: Compare intelligence of each user. If victim has INT of +5 compared to culprit, then it will probably fail. If victim has a lower INT, it will almost certainly succeed.
Chance to be repelled: If have the skill yourself, can repel for 2x the amount of chakra (50) after 1 attack round. If have Genjutsu Kai, can release for 300 (?) chakra.
Osoreru (fear)
Level: 75
Chakra cost: 100
Rounds to create handseals: 3 (with mastery/soranjiru it can be down to 1/2)
Gives the victim the feeling that they are going to die. Can lead to them being unable to move for an extended period of time, or alternatively fleeing, but remaining in this state. This was what Orochimaru did to Sasuke during the Chuunin exams before putting the curse seal on him.
Rounds where they can't move / randomly will flee: 10
Chance to flee: 1/3
Chance to fail: 100-(practised)% (as above)
Chance to be resisted: (as above)
Chance to be repelled: (as above) plus if your INT is higher than the person creating the illusion you can also opt to do what Sasuke did and stab himself (cost 100 hp damage) to get out of it
(Note: Can only use once per battle, as the victim then becomes fearless)
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:16 pm
by Abigeiru
I'm working on a clan area atm. I thought it would be neat to make an area be affected by genjutsu. Basically, what I'm doing is pretty blatantly obvious (its a room description describing an illusion), but felt it is an idea that could be later expanded in the game. My idea is this. Make Genjutsu Kai (or another ability) like a Detect hidden ability. A person with this ability would be able to "see through a genjutsu" to know the exit or see an object in a room that would be hidden to people who don't have the skill that he could look at and know what to do. I think it would be something that is pretty easy to do.
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:50 am
by Chaos_Advocate
How about illusions? I think I may just be lifting this from another MUD, but since I can't remember Ill say it anyway.. something that basically lets you emote things that the opponent sees that may fool them into thinking you've done something you havent... Again, as i stated in my ninjutsu post, I haven't been here for a long time so I may be a little off, but if you can be poisoned or something like that, jutsus that make you -think- you're poisoned might be cool
Or something that affects your prompt so that you can't see your health going down : D
Of course, these would only work on players, and may not be conceivable here, but its worth suggesting : D
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:02 am
by Hazamishi
Kokuangyou no Jutsu - Journey into Black Darkness Technique
Level - 50+
Evelopes your opponent in complete darkness. Opponent would enter into a terrifying void where light is a mere memory.
The user would have to maintain the jutsu in order for it to work. User's chakra would decrease at an extremely high rate while using. Could be used in conjunction with bunshins (who could attack while the original is maintaining or visa versa). If you mess up you catch yourself in the darkness, leaving you stunned for a few seconds while you cancel the jutsu.
Target's ability to defend against attacks would be significantly lowered. No lanterns or light emitting jutsu would bring light to them.
User message-
You close your eyes and begin doing handseals...
You unleash Kokuangyou no Jutsu on <target>!
A currant of darkness rushes towards <target>!
<target> has been trapped in a the void!
You mess up your handseals.
You accidentally capture yourself in the darkness!
Target messages-
<user> closes their eyes and begins doing handseals...
<user> opens <his/her> eye and a halo of chakra blasts forth towards you!
Darkness rushes in from all angles...
You've been trapped in a blackness no light can penetrate!
<user> messes up their handseals.
<user> seems to be stunned!
Viewer message-
<user> closes <his/her> eyes and begins doing handseals...
<user> opens <his/her> eyes rapidly and a halo of chakra bursts towards <target>!
<user> messes up their handseals.
<user> seems to be dazed!
*note* If used in RP the user could target a whole group possibly.
Nehan Shouja no Jutsu - Temple of Nirvana Technique
Level - 20+
User would daze/stun the target for a number of seconds to a full tick/minute.
User messages-
You begin doing handseals...
You hold your hands out towards your <target>, palms outward...
<target> is dazed!
You mess up your handseals.
Target messages-
<user> begins doing handseals...
<user> holds <his/her> hands out, palms toward you...
Feathers being falling from the sky, you start to feel sleepy...
You are dazed!
<user> messes up <his/her> handseals.
Viewer Messages-
<user> begins doing handseals...
<user> holds <his/her> hands out, palms toward <target>...
<target> are looks very sleepy...
<user> messes up <his/her> handseals.
*note* Could be used for RP the same as Kokuangyou no Jutsu.
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:59 am
by Hitoshi
Those are nice suggestions accept for the clones attacking part. Any attack on the target should disrupt the Genjutsu.
That is how Genjutsu works, damaging yourself or taking damage is a way to break free of a Genjutsu (along with forcing outward a large burst of chakra).
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:55 am
by Hazamishi
That first genjutsu is the one that the Second Hokage used on Sarutobi when they were fighting on the rooftop at the Chuunin exams, after the jutsu is summoned Sarutobi is attacked and is still stuck in the jutsu. Here is the link it happens about 5:30 in. It's what gave me the idea of being able to use clones to attack.
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:34 am
by kanata
This might be driven slightly by personal desire but probably half the skills listed here are
[This skill already exists, it is called Shoumei.]
A harmless but useful little ability, I think. Considering how few henge based skills there are in game, one more wouldn't be a bad thing.
Re: Genjutsu Suggestion Thread
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:36 pm
by Isamu
I'm not sure if this should go here or in the ninjutsu thread, but why not have bunshin no jutsu?
the bunshins aren't technically there, but to the enemy, it would seem like they were. The illusion of others attacking would generally allow the originals to attack without fear of being hurt themselves...
How it could work,
Since bunshins aren't there, if you attack the wrong one, you do no damage, but receive damage regardless...then if you attack the correct one, all the bunshins dispel, and you fight like normal.
User messages-
You begin doing handseals...
You shout, "Bunshin no Jutsu!"
Several clones appear around you.
Target messages-
X begins doing handseals...
X shouts, "Bunshin no Jutsu!"
Several clones of X appear.
Which one is X?
Viewer Messages-
X begins doing handseals...
X shouts, "Bunshin no Jutsu!"
Several clones of X appear.