Randomly Generated Dungeons
Randomly Generated Dungeons
I've thought about this topic for awhile...just wanted to throw it here just to get ideas. Honestly, I've dreamt up pseudo-code implementations of how this would work, but it'd be a big, big challenge to tackle. I do think it'd add a very good thing to the game, though.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: Randomly Generated Dungeons
I think it could be an interesting feature. How would it work, a pop up like an arena challenge that you can accept or decline, that transfers you to the first room of the dungeon?
Re: Randomly Generated Dungeons
At first, I was thinking you went to a predetermined gen-spot, then you typed something like "enter dungeon" or whatever, and it'd generate it right there. It'd be unique to you, but you could invite friends in.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD