Re: Pets
VERY VERY VERY rough draft of the pet ideas I saw swirling around with some of my own rocket sauce mixed in. Feel free to discuss.
Basic Pet Spec v0
A pet is a non-summon NPC which can belong to only 1 person. A pet will act like any normal NPC, except have light AI to give it more depth, but still be controllable much like a Shikon Bunshin.
Acquiring Pets
Wild animals roaming around can be turned into pets. However, once they become the player's pet they drop to level 1, but still keep any basic skills they had previously like bite. While they drop to level 1, they do gain bonuses to their stats based on what it was when they tamed.
Pet Store
The pet store will randomly stock a number of pets. The pets' species will be random, but each species will have pluses and minuses associated with them, which will be covered later.
Losing Pets/Re-acquiring Pets
Pets can be lost by death or them escaping because of neglect or abuse. If a pet is killed or runs away, it can be brought back at a bind spot. However, it costs Ryo to bring back a pet. The formula for bringing back pets is: 1 + (Pet's Level) * 3 – (Pet's Love). Note, a pet's love will go negative if they are hating their owner, making the cost for bringing them back go up.
Pet Caring
Pets can require a level of caring, below is a brief synopsis of pet caring. If pets are not cared for, they will start to love their owner less and less. If a pet hates their owner, they will have the chance to escape.
Preventing injury or letting it rest when injured.
Giving it items, dressing it up.
Pets will begin to love or hate their owner based on their owner's caring. If a pet loves their owner enough the pet will be more willing to behave in the way the owner wants.
Pet Growth
Pets will level up over time and become stronger. Their rate of growth is determined by the type of animal and how much they love their owner.
Pet Skills
Pets will naturally learn basic skills over time, but an owner can teach skills he or she knows to enhance their own skill set. Not all moves can be brought over, but many moves can. For example, teaching a wolf how to perform a singing Genjutsu. An animal being taught a human skill will naturally not be as good at it, even with it maxed out.
Pet Bonuses
Pets give bonuses to their owner. They can join in combo attacks and combination jutsu. Pets can also learn how to speak in human tongue once they become level 40. Once a pet learns to speak, they can be ordered to say things, like clones.
Pet Tiers
All pets come in ranks, each rank requires more work to maintain that pet, but they reap more rewards. There is no way to make a pet go up or down in Rank.
Rank D: Pet requires no upkeep and will start out fully loving their owner. This pet can only learn 1 human skill. This pet is level capped to 10.
Rank C: Pet requires no upkeep and will start out mostly loving their owner. This pet can only learn 2 human skills. This pet is level capped to 20.
Rank B: Pet requires minor, every 5-10 hours of play time, upkeep and will start out barely loving their owner. This pet can learn 3 human skills. This pet is level capped to 30.
Rank A: Pet requires regular, every 2-4 hours of play time, upkeep, and will start out barely loving their owner. This pet can learn 4 human skills. This pet is level capped to 40.
Rank S: Pet requires frequent upkeep, every 1-2 days real time clock, and they start out not loving their owner. This pet can only learn 5 human skills. This pet is level capped to 50. For Rank S only, the real time clock means a player must log in once every 1-2 days to perform necessary upkeep for their pet.
Basic Pet Spec v0
A pet is a non-summon NPC which can belong to only 1 person. A pet will act like any normal NPC, except have light AI to give it more depth, but still be controllable much like a Shikon Bunshin.
Acquiring Pets
Wild animals roaming around can be turned into pets. However, once they become the player's pet they drop to level 1, but still keep any basic skills they had previously like bite. While they drop to level 1, they do gain bonuses to their stats based on what it was when they tamed.
Pet Store
The pet store will randomly stock a number of pets. The pets' species will be random, but each species will have pluses and minuses associated with them, which will be covered later.
Losing Pets/Re-acquiring Pets
Pets can be lost by death or them escaping because of neglect or abuse. If a pet is killed or runs away, it can be brought back at a bind spot. However, it costs Ryo to bring back a pet. The formula for bringing back pets is: 1 + (Pet's Level) * 3 – (Pet's Love). Note, a pet's love will go negative if they are hating their owner, making the cost for bringing them back go up.
Pet Caring
Pets can require a level of caring, below is a brief synopsis of pet caring. If pets are not cared for, they will start to love their owner less and less. If a pet hates their owner, they will have the chance to escape.
Preventing injury or letting it rest when injured.
Giving it items, dressing it up.
Pets will begin to love or hate their owner based on their owner's caring. If a pet loves their owner enough the pet will be more willing to behave in the way the owner wants.
Pet Growth
Pets will level up over time and become stronger. Their rate of growth is determined by the type of animal and how much they love their owner.
Pet Skills
Pets will naturally learn basic skills over time, but an owner can teach skills he or she knows to enhance their own skill set. Not all moves can be brought over, but many moves can. For example, teaching a wolf how to perform a singing Genjutsu. An animal being taught a human skill will naturally not be as good at it, even with it maxed out.
Pet Bonuses
Pets give bonuses to their owner. They can join in combo attacks and combination jutsu. Pets can also learn how to speak in human tongue once they become level 40. Once a pet learns to speak, they can be ordered to say things, like clones.
Pet Tiers
All pets come in ranks, each rank requires more work to maintain that pet, but they reap more rewards. There is no way to make a pet go up or down in Rank.
Rank D: Pet requires no upkeep and will start out fully loving their owner. This pet can only learn 1 human skill. This pet is level capped to 10.
Rank C: Pet requires no upkeep and will start out mostly loving their owner. This pet can only learn 2 human skills. This pet is level capped to 20.
Rank B: Pet requires minor, every 5-10 hours of play time, upkeep and will start out barely loving their owner. This pet can learn 3 human skills. This pet is level capped to 30.
Rank A: Pet requires regular, every 2-4 hours of play time, upkeep, and will start out barely loving their owner. This pet can learn 4 human skills. This pet is level capped to 40.
Rank S: Pet requires frequent upkeep, every 1-2 days real time clock, and they start out not loving their owner. This pet can only learn 5 human skills. This pet is level capped to 50. For Rank S only, the real time clock means a player must log in once every 1-2 days to perform necessary upkeep for their pet.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: Pets
Gatz wrote:Pet Store
The pet store will randomly stock a number of pets. The pets' species will be random, but each species will have pluses and minuses associated with them, which will be covered later.
Could there be different pet stores in different areas, each favoring a certain species in either randomly stocking it (weighted) or in terms of stats? I ask this because areas would naturally be prone to stock things that live in the area -- a desert area would more likely have Scorpions as opposed to tropical birds.
Losing Pets/Re-acquiring Pets
Pets can be lost by death or them escaping because of neglect or abuse. If a pet is killed or runs away, it can be brought back at a bind spot. However, it costs Ryo to bring back a pet. The formula for bringing back pets is: 1 + (Pet's Level) * 3 – (Pet's Love). Note, a pet's love will go negative if they are hating their owner, making the cost for bringing them back go up.
We need some parenthesis so that I am absolutely clear on what you are suggesting. As it stands, the formula indicates 1 + [(Pet's level) * 3] - (Pet's Love).
Now, as I do not understand how "Pet's Love" will be considered (Large numbers? Small numbers?), it'll be a bit difficult to address this equation, however...
[(Pet's level)] - rndup{(Pet's Level) * [3 - {(Pet's Love)/[(Max Love)/3]}]}
This would provide a base cost that cannot decrease as well as create a variable cost based on the love in relation to the max love possible (as I do not know the number, I supplied the variable (max love)). In this way, the minimum the person will pay to revive their pet is (Pet's Level). The maximum is (Pet's Level) * 4.
Max level is 50, then this means you will pay between 50 ~ 200 ryo, depending on its love.
Pet Growth
Pets will level up over time and become stronger. Their rate of growth is determined by the type of animal and how much they love their owner.
Pet Tiers
All pets come in ranks, each rank requires more work to maintain that pet, but they reap more rewards. There is no way to make a pet go up or down in Rank.
Rank D: Pet requires no upkeep and will start out fully loving their owner. This pet can only learn 1 human skill. This pet is level capped to 10.
Rank C: Pet requires no upkeep and will start out mostly loving their owner. This pet can only learn 2 human skills. This pet is level capped to 20.
Rank B: Pet requires minor, every 5-10 hours of play time, upkeep and will start out barely loving their owner. This pet can learn 3 human skills. This pet is level capped to 30.
Rank A: Pet requires regular, every 2-4 hours of play time, upkeep, and will start out barely loving their owner. This pet can learn 4 human skills. This pet is level capped to 40.
Rank S: Pet requires frequent upkeep, every 1-2 days real time clock, and they start out not loving their owner. This pet can only learn 5 human skills. This pet is level capped to 50. For Rank S only, the real time clock means a player must log in once every 1-2 days to perform necessary upkeep for their pet.
I recommend that their rate of growth be decided on ranks, as well, with lower ranks experiencing much faster growth in relation to higher ranks.
I'm also not sure if the rank penalty need be so harsh. In this way, a rank D pet is completely useless in relation to even a Rank C pet, as its max level is twice as high as Rank D. I would recommend that, at higher levels, higher ranks are more powerful (better gains per level? better pet bonuses?), but that they not have such a huge discrepancy between level caps.
Re: Pets
Yuuta wrote:I'm also not sure if the rank penalty need be so harsh. In this way, a rank D pet is completely useless in relation to even a Rank C pet, as its max level is twice as high as Rank D. I would recommend that, at higher levels, higher ranks are more powerful (better gains per level? better pet bonuses?), but that they not have such a huge discrepancy between level caps.
I don't think Rank D is necessarily useless. Some folks might want a painless pet, or some types of pets might cost more. For example, a pet could heal you but only Rank D exists of it to balance it out. In other words, support type pets maybe.
Yuuta wrote:Now, as I do not understand how "Pet's Love" will be considered (Large numbers? Small numbers?), it'll be a bit difficult to address this equation, however...
[(Pet's level)] - rndup{(Pet's Level) * [3 - {(Pet's Love)/[(Max Love)/3]}]}
The formula was rough, but I wanted something that made it so low level pets could be brought back cheaply, but the pet's love factored in to it. I was thinking love could be -100 to 100 or -256 to 255, however obviously the higher the range the more it might need to be curved for the price. However, a Rank S pet that is maxed out should be expensive to bring back. So...maybe it'd be better to figure out a good Ryo range first and then come up with a formula.
Maybe...Low level is around 5-10 Ryo, top level is 200-300 Ryo.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: Pets
Gatz wrote:[...]I wanted something that made it so low level pets could be brought back cheaply, but the pet's love factored in to it.
I was thinking love could be -100 to 100 or -256 to 255, however obviously the higher the range the more it might need to be curved for the price.
However, a Rank S pet that is maxed out should be expensive to bring back.
Maybe...Low level is around 5-10 Ryo, top level is 200-300 Ryo.
I exist to create formulas. Tell me what you think of these ranges.
(Level) + (level/5)^2 + (level/5)^2([200-love]/2) - ([50-level/50][(100+Love)/20])
(level/5) is rounded up to a whole number.
Underlined portion is "base" and is the absolute minimum.
Level 1 :
Max love = 1
Lowest Love = 3.5 (4)
Level 10 :
Max Love = 10 (base)
Lowest Love = 20
Level 20 :
Max Love = 38
Lowest Love = 60
Level 30 :
Max Love = 80
Lowest Love = 120
Level 40 :
Max Love = 134
Lowest Love = 200
Level 50 :
Max Love = 200
Lowest Love = 300
Re: Pets
Wow, that is a bit overly complex. Love won't be connected to level at all. Max love amount is the same for everyone. However, there also needs to be a negative range, because that would be in the 'hating'. As well as not using decimals, because that is unneeded pain.
-256 -> 255 (or 256 is we don't want to be cool) is pretty standard and gives a lot of wiggle room. As does -100 -> 100
-256 -> 255 (or 256 is we don't want to be cool) is pretty standard and gives a lot of wiggle room. As does -100 -> 100
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: Pets
Gatz wrote:Wow, that is a bit overly complex. Love won't be connected to level at all. Max love amount is the same for everyone. However, there also needs to be a negative range, because that would be in the 'hating'. As well as not using decimals, because that is unneeded pain.
-256 -> 255 (or 256 is we don't want to be cool) is pretty standard and gives a lot of wiggle room. As does -100 -> 100
No, the numbers "max love" or "min love" is the range of ryo they would pay -- the Min love is what they would pay if the pet hated them (-100, in this case), and the max love is if they had love maxed out (100).
The range would be (and these are simply benchmarks)
Level 1 : 1~4 Ryo
Level 10 : 10~20
Level 20 : 38~60
Level 30 : 80~120
Level 40 : 134~200
Level 50 : 200~300