souken & other water-based abilities

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souken & other water-based abilities

Post by Giyoku »

I've been playing with souken for a good bit now, but there are a few things i've noticed that may be ways to improve the ability

The highest level of Souken is far too short. It only seems to last 1 'tick', which means it can more or less immediately disappear to the mid-level and eliminate the ability to use.

I've thought about this for a bit, and have some ideas

1) make the highest level last more than 1 tick...

2) expending multiple souken jutsu should, to a point, generate more water and -add- to the overall amount

3) perhaps allow us to 'pump' souken to generate more water at a time

Really any one of those three would benefit the users.

Mizu Hatsudenki should allow you to do mizu souken water generation regardless of doing an attack jutsu.
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Re: souken & other water-based abilities

Post by Yamashita »

Giyoku wrote:Mizu Hatsudenki should allow you to do mizu souken water generation regardless of doing an attack jutsu.

While I agree that Souken Mizu needs some improvement (I like the idea of using it multiple times to make it last longer), Mizu Hatsudenki is not about creating water, it's about not needing water in the first place.
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Re: souken & other water-based abilities

Post by Giyoku »

If that's the way it really works, I guess that's fine. My thinking was that the literal translation (water generator) meant that I was able to instead of just generating it and puking it up into a river, I just let it flow from within me directly into my jutsu - which means I should be able to do it at anytime, like when I'm not doing an attack move (and probably do it -better-, so following the above model, it could produce water that lasts much longer).
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Re: souken & other water-based abilities

Post by Gatz »

I started to look at this and timed it, for a fresh Souken Mizu (maxed), I got 3 1/2 minutes until it was totally gone. I think the issue is these evaporate on room ticks, and not timers. So, if someone puts more water into a room and a room tick happens 1 second later, you immediately lose a level of water. I think it might just be an issue of either adding in one more stage of water, flooded?, slowing down room ticks, don't really wanna do that, giving a chance that water won't evaporate, might be a temp fix but I think most players would still not be happy, or just making water work more on a meter.

So, out of 100, how flooded is the room. 100 is max, 0 is dry, and every tick a percentage of the water goes away. I think if each level lasted 2-3 minutes, it'd be no big deal. Either that or add in another giant level of water that might flood an area, maybe Mizu Hatsudenki is a power up for it? In fact, I kind of like that. It fills the room with a fourth tier of a water and all adjacent rooms with the third tier of water. Thoughts?
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Re: souken & other water-based abilities

Post by Hazamishi »

I like that idea, Gatz. That'd be really awesome.
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Re: souken & other water-based abilities

Post by Ichiro »

Souken mizu lasts plenty long if you have it at 100%.....but only if you're looking to do a lot of kasui mizu's. The lowest tier lasts for awhile, the second tier isn't too bad, but the top tier basically just lasts until the next tick (or maybe the tick after next). I think the best solution is either adding a new tier or just slightly extending the current top tier.
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