Hrm, I see. However, I see your point, but I feel like absolutely handcuffing ourselves to always using the exact same wording will make our helpfiles read like IBM manuals. I understand how some of that can lead to confusion, but I think if you read each helpfile carefully, you'll notice it either makes sense or you can get close enough to meaning that you can figure it out. However, let's work through some of your examples.
Saikou wrote:A few examples would be the help file for Dexterity. The very first bullet int he Dex helpfile states that additional points affect how many items I can carry:
the maximum number of items you can carry at once in your inventory;
with each additional point of dex you can carry additional items.
While that is the stock description, it is the behavior of dexterity. I'm not 100% sure if you mean the wording sounds redundant, which it kind of does, or it is pointless to put because the average pro-MUDer will know what it means? Not super sure, but if it is about how redundant it sounds, I agree and it probably needs to be re-worded.
Saikou wrote:The Helpfile for "sneak" refers to the skill Hide which, best I can tell does not exist in game at this time.
We have no hide skill, but some of our helpfiles can have multple names attached to them for ease of use. Our sneak helpfile has "hide", "sneak" and "visible" all attached to it. The helpfile is located at
Saikou wrote:The helpfile for Pushup/Sittup reads
Along with giving rock hard abs and nicely toned biceps these two training
methods are used to boost one's strength.
May be something not working properly here, but these exercises dont seem to boost str in the LSC. This is an important one because the LSC is, I think, going to be a big draw of NarutoMud. It's unique, it's complex, and so the helpfiles for it need to be accurate.
Pushups and situps do raise strength, however because they are automatic they don't go very fast. However, people have proposed quicker LSC 3.0 solutions and I welcome any ideas you may have. I feel you do hit upon a good point, and I think I might need to move LSC 3.0 strength training up sooner so and possibly remove pushup/situp or explain the helpfile about automatic LSC training being slower.
Saikou wrote:Genki reads that it:
boosts the attack and defense power by 10 percent of regular combat moves, not skills.
So this leads me to think that moves could refer to basic attacks and skill sot taijutsu moves like punch/kick.
That is exactly correct.
Saikou wrote:The ninjutsu Baikyuu Kesson help file:
it causes the user to do more damage in physical attacks.
I then assumed that "attacks" maybe included both moves and skills... but from playing with it it looks like it boosts only skills (as refered to in Genki)
Baikyuu Kesson boosts all physical attacks, including auto-combat and skills like punch, kick, etc. However, you might not see as big a boost during auto-combat if you're only doing 4-5 damage, seeing it 'jump' to 6-7 might slip totally under your radar.
Saikou wrote:What I'm getting at here is that picking one word for each and sticking with it through all the helpfiles is a fairly easy change that makes them much easier to understand.
I want to agree with you, because the Computer Scientist in me wants that consistent wording but in practice it makes it very bland. Try picking up any manual and you'll be bored to tears. I view helpfiles as something that can be enjoyable to read, and while maybe changing a word from 'skill' to 'move' isn't going to knock your socks off, you clearly understand all the helpfiles you posted and proved so. Did you think some aspects were wrong? Yes. However, it is clear to me this is just a need in other spots to fix up things.
Situp/Pushup might need to be boosted a little bit until a LSC 3.0 Strength alternative can be crafted. Baikyuu Kesson might need a clearer message in auto-combat to show it is being useful, or maybe even damage increased slightly with it. However, none of the helpfiles were wrong, that you listed and I know we do have some wrong ones out there. If you see a helpfile that doesn't mesh with what you are experiencing, just ask. Things aren't always what they seem and it could be you misunderstanding, just a bug on my part, or a little of both. However, this is why we have Newbie Helper and Imms around. Maybe we should make it clearer that it is okay to ask questions, it is not okay to just sit frustrated or confused or thinking you're just playing a very broken game.
So, my real point here is a little variety can be good, but to the point of confusion not so much. However, again, you demonstrated you understood all the helpfiles you listed as intended. Not trying to be snotty or anything, but I feel like my point above is valid.
However! Thanks for posting this critique. NarutoMUD has slowly grown into a seven headed dragon over the years and if it is just all old timers playing, they don't bat an eye at things like this and some players never speak up, so we simply never know. Obviously, we (myself, the Immortals and everyone else who helps us) want to make things as fun as possible, but sometimes we need a little nudge in the right direction.