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Custom Trashtalk

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:23 pm
by Giyoku
I was just thinking about how much fun I was having with the trashtalk messages when I thought why not take it a bit further -

You could add in the individual abilities (Nin/Tai/Gen) and allow characters to describe their own catch-phrase while doing a jutsu?
settrashtalk ninjutsu 1 Take this! &ninjutsu
You Yell, "Take This! Kasui Mizu no Jutsu!"

Re: Custom Trashtalk

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:31 pm
by Yamashita
This sounds interesting, though you'd either have to have a few generic ones that get added to the jutsu name or specific ones for each ninjutsu you have.

Re: Custom Trashtalk

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:47 pm
by Gatz
I think if I added this guy in, I'd just make it like this:

settrashtalk "skill type" "Try to stop this %skill, poop face!" (skill type being, Nin/Tai/Gen/Ng)

So, for some non-childish examples:

settrashtalk "god fist" "Hehe, I've split tries with this attack."
settrashtalk "doryuudan" "Wow, you've made me use my 'Ryuu already? You're good!"
settrashtalk "genjutsu" "See your death a thousand times over."

And maybe let you set up to 10 a piece for each one. That should be plenty for most folks to get some fun variety.