I've been thinking about adjusting the pfile cleaner to only clean out players below level 10, and only after 30-60 days of inactivity. That would mean, past level 10, your pfile was golden. Right now, you need to hit level 100 or have 100 hours to be 'golden'.
I prefer having only active pfiles, but on the flip side, we're starting to gain a collection of very high level inactive pfiles. So, what is the point of deleting them part to reduce the clutter of people who log in for a minute and quit?
Anyone have any thoughts either way?
Pfile Cleaner Adjustment
Pfile Cleaner Adjustment
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: Pfile Cleaner Adjustment
Maybe not level 10....maybe like level 25 or 30?
Re: Pfile Cleaner Adjustment
I guess the idea would be to not delete players who had sort of gotten to a level of 'commitment' with the game, and what level that would be. With 10, it makes sense because the 'honey moon' period ends and you are no longer considered a Newbie.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: Pfile Cleaner Adjustment
I agree that the "golden" status should be acquired at a lower level/time, but I think level 10 is entirely too low a threshold. I'd say that getting genin rank would be a fair indicator of being committed to the game, but there should probably be some alternative requirements in level and hours for those that haven't gotten genin.