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Frequent Player Points

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:22 pm
by Gatz
So, I've been thinking about rewarding players who play a lot. One way I thought of this is via Frequent Player Points (FPP) this is how it'd work:

Every 5 hours of real time play would award you 1 FPP. Then, when you accumulate FPP you could spend it in a variety of ways, below are some of the ways I think it can be spent but the prices and list is obviously not set in stone but more just a rough idea of what it could be.

    2 FPP = 1 RPP
    5 FPP = 2x experience boost for yourself for 1 hour
    5 FPP= 2x boosted LSC gains for 1 hour.
    10 FPP = 1 training point
    20 FPP = 1 practice point

That is just a rough idea, however I don't want this to feel cheap. I want players to feel more like they're always gaining something and being rewarded for playing.

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:38 pm
by Yamashita
I like the idea provided there's some way to account for time actually spent playing vs. idling. Otherwise, someone could just be sitting around doing nothing waiting to get enough to get their rewards. There's already a system in place to reward people who play a bunch (i.e. xp boost every 10 hours played), so I think that 5 hours is a too small a time period for gaining a FPP.

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:03 pm
by Hakai
Yamashita wrote:I like the idea provided there's some way to account for time actually spent playing vs. idling. Otherwise, someone could just be sitting around doing nothing waiting to get enough to get their rewards. There's already a system in place to reward people who play a bunch (i.e. xp boost every 10 hours played), so I think that 5 hours is a too small a time period for gaining a FPP.

Even requiring something simple like answering botcheck questions correctly and/or getting x % of XP needed to level might be nice.

So like, sitting around with botcheck questions turned off and a timer to keep you logged in (which might be illegal anyway, but useful for example) wouldn't get you anything, but answering all the questions + gaining at least 5% of the XP you need to gain your next level every five hours will reward you with one FPP.

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:35 pm
by Yamashita
Hakai wrote:Even requiring something simple like answering botcheck questions correctly and/or getting x % of XP needed to level might be nice.

So like, sitting around with botcheck questions turned off and a timer to keep you logged in (which might be illegal anyway, but useful for example) wouldn't get you anything, but answering all the questions + gaining at least 5% of the XP you need to gain your next level every five hours will reward you with one FPP.

Yeah, I could see the botchecker being useful in determining whether you gain FPPs or not. Also, the timer to keep you logged in is definitely illegal. Though I wouldn't have a strict xp requirement, as lots of time is spent, especially at my level, on gaining LSC, which nets 0 xp. An xp/LSC/RP? requirement paired with botchecking sounds like a better way of determining whether someone is active enough to be gaining FPP.

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:42 pm
by Isamu

I like the idea. If we were to limit the number of FPPs you can get per day, plus the xp/LSC/Botcheck requirements this could be nice.

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:50 am
by Ichiro
I really like the idea of giving people a reward for being here more and sticking around through higher levels where doing anything takes a lot more time and effort. However, I'm not sure 5 hours is the right time limit. For example, (if this had been implemented as such when I started) I would have 363 FPP's now.

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:37 am
by Yamashita
Ichiro wrote:I'm not sure 5 hours is the right time limit. For example, (if this had been implemented as such when I started) I would have 363 FPP's now.

I agree. Something more along the lines of 10 or 15 hours sounds better.

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:35 pm
by Wungar
I know i'm a little late but I really like this Idea as well - Granted i do get distracted and miss questions occasionally I still think it'd be a handy little thing for growing your character :)

Re: Frequent Player Points

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:04 am
by Kiir
Another Necro post! Yay. I'm going to assume most of these, Gatz, are pretty much "nogos" for you. But I'll add my 2 cents in anyway. There should be a diminishing formula for this, to prevent getting an unbelievable amount of FPP. Two ways of limiting this is based on player level, current hours. Also have to worry about idling. While I think the easiest route would be to have it count the time between botcheck questions, and if you answer properly it adds it to the pool.

Let's see a random formula run down on hours..

Hours played(Or FPP Hours acc.)/5 + 5 = required hours.

0/5 + 5 = 5.
5/5 + 5 = 6
11/5 + 5 = 7
18/5 + 5 = 8
26/5 + 5 = 10
36/5 + 5 = 12
48/5 + 5 = 14
72/5 + 5 = 19
91/5 + 5 = 23

So, at 114 hours you get a hold of 9 FPP. Which, isn't a whole lot for the amount of hours, but it's a passive bonus so it shouldn't be too fast. Maybe the FPP prices should be adjusted, or have a curve to keep the required hours from getting -too- high or even a "softer" formula. Also, make it so that the conversion from FPP to RPP gives you an encouragement to keep your FPP. For instance, with 10 FPP being 1 Training point, and 2 FPP = 1 RPP... the 1 Training point should be 8 or 9 FPP so that it's more beneficial to keep the FPP for things you can get similar to RPP.

Another idea is to allot some for coming in day to day. Maybe if you come in and play at least an hour every day for a week (7 hours), you get an FPP, but missing a day would reset the timer?

The upside to this is that it can encourage people to be on even if they don't want to level or something -- talking to friends, creating a larger player-environment for the MUD(And thus some more RP opportunities too) and an overall friendlier feel.
The downside is, obviously, people get something for doing pretty much nothing.