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5th Anniversary, Gatz speech+Q&A

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:51 pm
by Hakai
Just in case anyone couldn't make it to the party and missed all this;

Gatz says, " begin, thanks for coming."

Gatz says, "5th Anniversary is a pretty cool milestone."

Gatz says, "Not many MUDs make it this far."

Gatz says, "Even less anime MUDs make it this far."

Gatz says, "I can't really think of more than one or two anime MUDs that are as old as us."

Gatz says, "And the list gets smaller when you consider their originality and activity they have."

Gatz says, "So, this is special to me and hopefully you all too."

Gatz says, "We opened up to...hrm...I wanna say like 30 people...and I think they were all horrendously

disappointed. =P."

Gatz says, "But, in the last few years we've really built up a lot of neat things."

Gatz says, "Hopefully next year, we'll get some more neat stuff, too."

Gatz says, "I think Naruto is really awesome right now."

Gatz says, "Hopefully when it is all said and done, we won't be so sick of it we close NM out of boredem. =P."

Gatz says, "We'll see if it has the lasting power DBZ does."

Gatz says, "We also haven't really seen many compettors for a Naruto themed MUD."

Gatz says, "Right now...there is only one I know of and I'm not too terribly worried about it."

Gatz says, "So...I don't have a ton to say...except it has been a wild ride thus far and hopefully the fun

never stops."

Gatz says, "As for this year, by the end of the year Genjutsu will be in."

You swoon in ecstacy.

Shiro bursts into tears.

Gatz says, "Expect at least 20 or so skills to be introduced when it comes in."

Isamu cheers maniacally as Gatz shows them who's boss.

Gatz says, "It might go down...but it'll be enough that folks can really attach themselves to it."

Keiko squeals with delight.

Gatz says, "I'd like to show you it right now...but I don't want to ruin the surprise."

Gatz says, "However, it is unique."

Gatz says, "There is nothing in NarutoMUD like this."

Gatz says, "Genjutsu will be very different from Taijutsu and Ninjutsu."

Gatz says, "Which was my goal from the beginning."

Gatz says, "And designing it has been a major pain for me."

Gatz says, "Obviously it would have been great to have it in years ago...since Genjutsu has always been the

red-headed step child."

Gatz says, "But, I finally found a design I loved for it."

Gatz says, "One that will make PvP a lot more exciting."

Gatz says, "And I think make PvE pretty cool too."

Gatz says, "And...just to make you all go'll be the most customizable and personal experience of any

of the other skill sets."

Gatz says, "Really, Genjutsu will let players express themselves in a way they hadn't been able to before."

Keiko squeals with delight.

Gatz says, "And...the Genjutsuists out there will be able to really have something unique to themselves."

Gatz says, "I think a lot of you will like it...some won't, unfortunately you can't please 'em all, but in

general I think most of you will be happy with what I've setup."

Gatz says, "And of will still stay competive with the other skill I think the Tai and

Nin users out there will still exist."

Gatz asks, "So...what is next after Genjutsu you ask?"

Gatz says, "Genjutsu was my major project this year."

Gatz asks, "So, what of next year?"

Gatz answers, "Well...I think we'll be shifting gears more into systems of NarutoMUD and gearing up for some

big things."

Gatz says, "Namely, getting ourselves ready for primary villages."

Nakamura smiles happily.

Gatz says, "Getting ready for the big move to a more real world of Naruto."

Gatz says, "So, we'll be really pushing the builders to work hard and make some fun Naruto locales...and also

be looking for more builders to help with creating more cool Naruto locales so when it all debuts it'll be


Gatz says, "The goal has always been to make the starting villages big and have exciting things in them, but

all have things that make them unique."

Gatz says, "I don't expect us to be finished with it next year, but I think we'll have enough ready to

possible let you all check out pieces."

Gatz says, "However, system side."

Gatz says, "I'd like to really develope some systems that I feel we're sorely lacking."

Gatz says, "Namely, a better mission system."

Yamashita nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "More of an auto-quest style, but something that lets for the flexiblity of what our currently

hand-scripted missions do."

Gatz says, "However, since it is tied to a system, we could do things like having mission logs so you can

check on missions you've beaten, get updates and get ranked based on them."

Gatz says, "So...that will be the focus on next year...but of course, we'll still add new skills and other

things, but the main focus will be on system stuff."

Gatz says, "Including a better connection with Facebook."

Gatz says, "Players who wish to tie their FB account to their NM account will have updates posted to their FB

account, like level ups etc."

Gatz says, "And a new email system, so if you forget your password, we'll email you information on getting it


Gatz says, "If you opt in for it, we'll email you change log updates and gnotes."

Gatz says, "Also, the finishing of the MUD Request Protocol that Hitoshi and I have been working on, which

lets our website ping the MUD for data."

Gatz says, "So, the MUD website will always have up-to-date maps of all areas in the game."

Isamu bursts into tears.

Gatz says, "And be able to give you information about players, objects and NPCs."

Gatz says, "A MUD is an online game, and as such I really think we need to flex that muscle to show you what

we can do."

Gatz says, "The FB App and Twitter we're just a start."

Gatz says, "NarutoMUD also has a YouTube Channel."

Gatz says, "Over the next year, I'm going to try to fill it up with NarutoMUD videos filed by both myself,

other Immortals and players."

Gatz says, "Which will cover many things, including fun tutorials and information for new players which

segways into my last point."

Gatz says, "If we look at the MUDing community as a is a pretty big pie."

Gatz says, "But as we look down to groups of people who would want to play NarutoMUD, the group is much, much


Gatz says, "However, the Facebook App has shown me...looking at the group of people who want to play a fun,

challenging online Naruto game like this one the group is gigantic."

Gatz says, "We've had over a thousand people in the first 3 weeks of NM App going up alone."

Gatz says, "With zero advertising spent on it."

Gatz says, "However, people who don't MUD have a terrible time here because we're a MUD that has no ramp up

for newbies of MUDs themselves."

Gatz says, "To fix that, we'll be creating a new Newbie Academy to suppliment the current, designed to help

MUD newbies learn how play the game and learn the basics."

Gatz says, "Along with simple instructional videos on the NM channel, I think we'll grow our player base


Gatz says, "I'd like to see us set a goal that is we have at least 5-10 people always on NM by the end of next


Gatz says, "That sounds easier said than done."

Gatz says, "I've also tried hard to get NarutoMUD listed on every MUD site I could and really get it up on

Google searches, hoping to make a difference."

Gatz says, "Players are the life blood of any MUD...without them, a MUD is nothing."

Gatz says, "I've seen really fun MUDs disappear because of a dry spell in players."

Gatz says, "From a Owner's is really hard to work so hard if you think no one cares anymore."

Gatz says, "And it is hard to be patient and wait for the players to come."

Gatz says, "However, I think trying to perserve and keep improving the game is the only way to break dry


Gatz says, "Of course, you all can help."

Gatz says, "Really, I ask of all of you a few simple things."

Gatz says, "One is always be newbie friendly."

Gatz says, "Don't be jerks to one another."

Gatz says, "And have fun."

Yamashita jumps up into the air and hollers, "Wheeeee!"

You twiddle her ears.

Keiko pokes you in the ribs.

Keiko looks at you.

Gatz says, "Of course, I'd love for all you to be active in the forums because it really is a great way to

open dialogues with me and your fellow players on how to improve the game."

Gatz says, "Also, vote for us on MUD Connector, it really is such an honor to me to have NarutoMUD be in the

TMC top 100."

Gatz yells, "And I think NarutoMUD is good enough to be in the top 30!"

Gatz says, "However, your vote is the one that counts there."

Gatz says, "And of course, some of you are kind enough to donate your hard earned dollars to us."

Gatz says, "And that always moves me."

Gatz says, "I know how hard it is to earn a buck or two...and some of you play MUDs because you don't have a

lot of money."

Gatz says, "So, it really is touching to me when you donate to help pay our server bill."

Gatz says, "Anyways...I hope I didn't bore any of you."

Isamu smiles happily.


Ichiro smiles happily.

Keiko pokes you in the ribs.


Shiro emits an unrivaled cheer! Woo!

Gatz says, "As always...I like to do a Q&A after my long boring'll remove the silence flag from

the room and ask that if you have a question you do the 'raise' emote and wait for me to call on you."

Shiro shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Gatz says, "And not to interupt other people speaking."

Keiko raises her hand in response.

Isamu pats Gatz on his back.

Gatz says, "Okay...starting now."

Gatz says, "Go ahead, Keiko."

Keiko says, "Oh, never mind. I'll ask later."

You groan loudly.

Yamashita facepalms.

Gatz coughs loudly.

Isamu sighs loudly.

Keiko says, "Sorry. >_>."

Ichiro raises his hand in response.

Keiko sits down.

Gatz says, "Go ahead Ichi."

Ichiro says, "I've got two questions actually."

Gatz says, "Alright."

Ichiro asks, "first, are we likely to be seeing more LSC 3.0 this year?"

Gatz says, "Good question."

Gatz says, "Yes and no...the big issue with it is that I want to make all the mini-game type setups somewhat

interesting...and I've burnt out a lot of the ideas I had already and don't want to clone shadow box and

chakra mold a billion times over."

Gatz says, "So, if you have any interesting ideas, post them on the Dev board, I know there is a thread

already started with some good ideas."

Gatz says, "As far as Kata goes."

Gatz says, "It is a tough nut to crack...I really don't like the way Kata is now..which is why I stopped

adding styles in."

Gatz says, "And...I'm not sure what I want to do with it to improve it."

Gatz says, "I want to really move away from things that just make you sit and watch scrolling text, as that is


Gatz says, "So, if you have ideas board 'em."

Ichiro nods solemnly.

Gatz nods in agreement to Ichiro.

Ichiro asks, "cool. second, I know the idea of having multiple types of arena matches has been sort of tossed

around before.....any chance of that showing up?"

You hear Gatz hrm.

Gatz answers, "Well, I think so...I helped work on a DBZ MUD years ago and the guy I paired with had a similar

Arena snippet that I adepted for NM."

Gatz says, "And the Arena code itself has free-for-alls in it...but the Arena code is so horrendously broken

and I've had to fix so much...and bugs still crop up, I just gave up."

Gatz says, "I think I need to roll my own Arena code...because the damn thing is more trouble because of how

poorly it was written."

Gatz says, " give you an idea of how shitty it is."

Gatz asks, "Ever wonder why their is a delay when it tells you who wins? Even though it announces someone

being eleminated?"

Gatz says, "If the arena has only one guy in it...clearly he won."

Gatz says, "Oh...and the rooms have to be concurrent."

Gatz says, "So, I can't declare a room to be in an arena."

Gatz says, "It is hard coded and must be in a range of rooms."

Gatz says, "So, every like...3 seconds, it checks the arena for a winner."

Gatz says, "Totally awful system."

Ichiro says, "wow."

You say, "Sounds really sloppy."

Ichiro says, "that's worse than I realized."

Isamu nods solemnly.

Yamashita sighs loudly.

Gatz says, "I rarely use snippets...but it sounded worth I went for it."

You say, "Pretty much what I'd expect from a Dragon Ball codebase though."

Gatz says, "And I hope you all know that...I very rarely use snippets.

Isamu nods solemnly.

You raise your hand in response.

Gatz says, "I know some MUDs out there just use snippets and call it original."

Ichiro nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "But that is shit."

Gatz says, "So, if it takes me a bit longer to imp something, it is because I worked hard to roll it myself."

Gatz says, "And the bugs in it are all my fault. =P."

Gatz says, "Anyways...we have a thread in the dev forum about the Arena."

Gatz says, "Fill it with ideas."

Yamashita pats Gatz on his back.

Ichiro gives a big thumbs up and flashes a bright smile!

Gatz says, "So far, mine are 1v1, and variable team matches ie: 1v2, 3v5 etc and free for alls."

Gatz says, "Anyways...I think Hakai is next."

You say, "Just wanted to hear if you'd made any progress in deciding about PVP. There wasn't much discussion

on the forums but I was wondering if you'd come to a decision at all, and what the other players here thought

about it."

Tachiko disappears into the void.

You hear Gatz hrm.

Shiro has lost his link.

Gatz mutters, "Well........................"

You say, "As you said, it was a touchy subject."

You say, "So touchy that Shiro DCs as soon as it's brought up."

Gatz says, "Not really...but what I want to avoid is the reason I get upset at PK MUDs."

Shiro has reconnected.

Gatz says, "I love Zeno like a brother...but I got so mad at Bleached Inuyasha Galaxy I left and never turned

back after I had worked so hard to get a jewel shard...and got to enjoy it for all of the 10 minutes it took

for an uber level players to hunt me down and rape me."

Gatz says, "And after I died...I went back to old Japan with no eq...and a butt hurt feeling."

Yamashita nods in agreement to Gatz.

Gatz says, "And I think the biggest issue with PK that isn't balanced right is you get situations like that."

Ichiro nods in agreement to Gatz.

Isamu nods in agreement to Gatz.

Gatz says, "If we get PK, I don't want the loser to feel like a loser."

Gatz says, "You'll notice for Arena stats, I never show or even track your loses."

Gatz says, "I can't even look that info up."

Gatz says, "It is simply not saved or stored anywhere."

Gatz answers, "Because I don't want people to view a PvP lose as something to be bummed about."

You say, "It goes without saying that you wouldn't gain anything for killing someone well out of your range,

so hopefully that will curb people from going after people they can one-shot. Hopefully there's a way to make

it work where the loser doesn't feel like he just got stomped for no reason."

Gatz says, "So...if PK comes in...I want it to accomplish 2 things."

You nod solemnly.

Gatz says, "Playing NarutoMUD should be or lose, you are having a good time."

Gatz says, "And I don't want to punish you because you wanna have epic ninja fights."

Gatz says, "Second, if you wanna be a badass who kills get the whole lifestyle."

Gatz says, "I think it is clear that the worst killers in Naruto live in the shadows and don't just stroll


Gatz says, "You wanna be a badass missing-nin or hunter-nin, you get the life with it."

Gatz says, "However, it is still fun."

Gatz says, "And of course, exiting that path won't be nightmarishly hard."

Gatz answers, "Because I always feel you should never be able to put your character in a spot of being

'broken' or 'worthless'."

Gatz says, "You can always un-do or fix something, you never get 'stuck'."

Gatz says, " short."

Gatz says, "PK yes...we will have it, this is unavoidable and will come eventually."

You ask, "I guess I have a follow up question then, about the Wanted status as mentioned in the thread.

Namely if you're wanted would Henge and/or sneak let you get through normal areas?"

Gatz says, "Griefer paradise and being able to just be a jerk via PK no."

Yamashita gives a round of applause.

Ichiro gives a round of applause.

Gatz says, "We'll, sure, but those are just rough ideas. Even right now, some quests are setup to be beatable

very easily with Henge.

Gatz says, "However, of course...I'm not going to tell you which...some players wanna just bash their way

through, which is always acceptable."

You point at Shiro accusingly.

Keiko snickers softly.

Itami grins evilly.

Gatz asks, "So, any other questions anyone?"

Keiko raises her hand in response.

You groan at the sight of her.

Gatz says, "Pull the trigger, Kei."

Keiko asks, "Since there's going to be a lot of new flavors of genjutsu and what not, will you ever consider

making it a little easier to get practice points for people who don't RP a lot?"

Yamashita coughs loudly.

Keiko asks, "Or like a crap load of levels to do the train thing with?"

Gatz answers, "Well...probably not."

Gatz says, "Especially since you get a experience modifier for simply being on NarutoMUD.

Gatz says, "And role playing awards some experience."

Shiro nods solemnly.

Keiko sighs loudly.

Ichiro nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "Players have a lot of ways to gain more practices."

Gatz says, "Besides having quests that award practices, and possibly giving them away for contests...I'm not

sure what other way people could gain them."

Gatz recites, "Besides just going 'I like you, here is a practice point.'"

Keiko says, "You could just boost up the amount of practice points we get through leveling."

Gatz says, "Or sending me nudes...which is the currency for me to lower my standards and cheatingly give you


Gatz says, "I feel like 10 is the right number and still is."

Gatz says, "Since you can convert ability points to practices...there is no excuse to not have the practice

amount you want."

You say, "Personally I think you should get one at 100, one at 200 and one at 300. Just because they're big


Gatz says, "We've never been about just letting players get -everything-."

Ichiro shakes a fist in the air.

You twiddle Ichiro's ears.

Itami stops resting and sits up.

Keiko answers, "Well, that just seems kinda iffy. Unless you're about as high leveled as Ichiro and Shiro, it

makes it harder for people to work towards their ideal nin/tai mixes or whatever people were wanting."

Gatz says, "Even when we only had players get 10 practices with nothing else, people came up with really

exciting ways to express their character and be a BA ninja."

Ichiro nods solemnly.

Gatz asks, "Well...think about it this way...who in Naruto is a hybrid fighter and amazing at both areas and

isn't uber?

Isamu hugs himself in a vain attempt to get friendship.

Keiko looks at herself.

Gatz stammers, "Jiraiya sucks hardcore at Genjutsu..."

You point proudly at yourself.

Gatz says, "I think the balance we have here is pretty good...I want players to use what they get


Gatz says, "Not just feel comfortable learning all skills that would make themselves stomp everyone down. That

is no fun."

Gatz asks, " question?"

Keiko groans loudly.

Shiro raises his hand in response.

Keiko sits down.

Gatz asks, "Shi?"

Shiro asks, "Any chance for new ninjutsu this upcoming year ?"

Keiko cringes away from Shiro in mortal terror.

Keiko raises her hand in response.

Gatz says, "I think I want to add Sasuke's Goryuuka move he uses."

Gatz says, "And that'll probably play a little bit like Daibakufu...but with more twists."

Gatz says, "And, I think I'll cave and start adding more and more jutsu of my creation."

Shiro says, "Awesome."

Gatz says, "I think we need a cool wind move."

Shiro nods solemnly.

Gatz nods solemnly.

Yamashita mutters, "and lightning..."

Ichiro nods solemnly.

Gatz mutters, "That reminds me..."

Shiro says, "And chakra types assigned to players."

Gatz says, "Elemental affinites for players are coming."

You say, "That probably should have been part of your big speech."

You snicker softly.

Isamu yells, "yay!"

Gatz says, "All ninjutsu has had elements attached to them for a long time."

Keiko emits an unrivaled cheer! Woo!

Gatz says, " guys may or may not have noticed...when you power struggle or combine ninjutsu, their

elemental affinity actually affects how they combine or go against each other."

Ichiro nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "And my goal with elemental affinites for players is every 100 levels, players can discover an

elemental affinity about themselves."

Gatz says, "So, in total, by level 300 you can get 3 elemental affinitis with boost the damage you do with

said element, reduces the damage you receive from that element and reduces the effort you use

Chakra/Stamina-wise to use that element."

You swoon in ecstacy.

Gatz says, "At this point, I'm not sure if I want it to be random or not...because that'd suck for a Leaf to

get a Water affinity and then get screwed over and be forced to learn foreign jutsu to really take advantage

of it."

Gatz says, "So, I may keep it random but villages might get some affinities weighted towards the type of

skills their primarily have."

Shiro nods solemnly.

You say, "Could always make it random and pay a small amount of RPP to change it."

Shiro asks, "Perhaps they could learn foreign ninjutsu of that element for 1 practice ?"

Ichiro says, "that's what I was thinking."

Gatz says, "And of course, having an elemental affinity doesn't make you it doesn't be default make

you win every fihgt."

Gatz says, "And as always...I'll try to curb putting in ways to make yourself unbeatable."

Shiro asks, "Will genjutsu have elements ?"

Gatz says, "Which can be hard given the nature of anime...and the fact that I think most players want to be

unbeatable demons. =P."

Gatz says, "You'll have to wait and see for that Shi. ;)."

Gatz asks, "Anymore questions?"

You peer intently about your surroundings.

Isamu shakes his head.

Itami smirks.

Gatz says, "Okay, I have one question for you, then a surpsie and we're done."

Hakai loves surpsies.

Isamu yells, "surpsie!"

Keiko nods solemnly.

Keiko giggles.

Ichiro asks, "supplies?"

Keiko says, "Do we get rank promoted? :O."

Gatz asks, "I'll go down the list...and I want you all to say the -one- thing you'd like to see the most. As

in, if you could magically have one thing added to NM, what would it be?"

Gatz says, "And I'll call on people for this."

Gatz says, "And it has to be one thing."

Gatz says, "So, no chaining."

Gatz recites, "And it can be anything....from "I want more helpfiles" to "I wish we had an area based on...""

Gatz mutters, "So, think about this hard..."

Gatz says, "I'll start whenever Isamu says he is ready."

Isamu whimpers loudly.

Keiko snickers softly.

Isamu is thinking hard.

Gatz says, "And we'll go down in this order: Isamu, Shiro, Yama, Ichi, Zetsuke, Hei, Naka, Hakai, Hit, Itami

and Keiko."

Hakai cues the Jeopardy music.

Isamu mutters, "ummm..."

Isamu says, "multiple weapon attacks."

Gatz asks, "Like?"

Toli arrives from a puff of smoke.

Ichiro waves happily.

You ruffle Toli's hair playfully.

Isamu waves happily.

Toli smiles happily.

Itami waves happily.

Gatz whispers something to Toli.

Toli waves happily.

Toli whispers something to Gatz.

Gatz pokes Isamu in the ribs.

Gatz says, "You must be writing a book."

Isamu says, "specifically, Gatz, multiple attacks per weapon, per round."

Gatz nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "Okay...Shiro you're up."

Shiro says, "I would like some sort custom ninjutsu system that allowed you to make an initial jutsu and

refine it over time."

You nod in agreement to him.

Gatz nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "You'll love Genjutsu then."

Gatz asks, "Okay, Yama?"

Yamashita says, "I'd like to see a system for multiple attacks like we have right now, but while wielding


Gatz nods solemnly.

Ichiro says, "I'd also like to see more attacks with weapons as a possibility, so that they don't seem totally


Gatz asks, "Zetsu?"

Zetsuke says, "maybe some hybrid attacks, like a ninjutsu-taijutsu (such as maybe Asa Kujaku)."

Gatz nods solemnly.

Gatz asks, "Heizo?"

Heizo says, "I'd like to see chuunin exams."

You hear Gatz hrm.

Gatz asks, "Okay, Naka?"

Nakamura says, "a revamp of the Helpfiles."

Gatz asks, "Hrm, like?"

Nakamura says, "update relevant helpfiles, and get rid of outdated and unused helpfiles."

Yamashita nods in agreement to Nakamura.

Nakamura says, "ie Chakramold's hfile is way outof date."

Gatz says, "Yeah...that is true."

Gatz mutters, "I need to get an Immortal on that..."

Gatz mutters, "Someone who thinks we need to work on helpfiles..."

Nakamura says, "Daiza wants to help."

Gatz says, "I don't know who I'll ask...but I'll think about it."

Gatz asks, "Okay...Hakai?"

Sukotto points at Nakamura accusingly.

You say, "I'd have to agree with Shiro, custom Ninjutsu or even custom Nin/Tai would be great. Something

custom so not all Tai users use the same moves in different stances."

Gatz nods solemnly.

Gatz asks, "Hit?"

Gatz says, "I think you're idlin' so, I'm going to skip you...send me a tell if you want a turn."

Gatz asks, "Itami?"

Itami says, "I'm not sure I have too much of a say since I haven't been here too long to really know what I

want. Besides, I think missions have already been covered. ."

Gatz asks, "Okay...Keiko?"

Gatz pokes Keiko in the ribs.

Keiko says, "Sorry.."

Sukotto licks Keiko.

Keiko says, "The only thing I want to see is more RP events."

Keiko says, "From the admins."

Gatz nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "Me too...we need an RP Imm, I think I'll try posting more frequently about looking for Imms."

Gatz says, "Maybe encourage more folks to try out."

Gatz asks, "Toli?"

Sukotto says, "Hey I posted once about possibly wanting to be an RPIMM."

Toli says, "I guess I should try and sign up to be a RPIMM."

Keiko says, ":\ I tried to be an Imm, but you totally turned me down."

Gatz asks, "Is that what you want for NM...?"

Gatz laughs.

You say, "I would have thought you'd be used to being turned down."

Gatz winces. Ouch!

Gatz mutters, "Okay...okay..."

Hakai ducks his head.

Gatz says, "It is Toli's turn."

Toli answers, "Well, from what I've seen playing this game. It appears that the whole aspect of using ninja

tools and skills that tie into ninja tools has been ignored."

Toli says, "Ninja Art, Ninpou.

Gatz says, "Yeah, I'd agree...I think very few folks have really expressed interest in wanting a Temari-esque


Gatz says, "More folks wanna live their Sasuke fantasy."

Toli says, "Or a Ten-ten ninja."

You say, "Even something like placing exploding tags you can detonate to cause damage to everyone in a room or

something might be cool."

Gatz says, "But, we'll be seeing more ninja tools coming."

Gatz says, "Okay...And finally."

Gatz says, "Suk."

Itami says, "I'mnot much of a sasuke. X)."

Toli says, "And with using ninja tools, could make weapons more effective."

Shiro says, "Whatchoo taking about Gatz, I would very much love to have ten-ten char."

Sukotto says, "I'd just like to see more genjutsu."

Gatz nods solemnly.

You ogle him like he was a piece of meat.

Gatz says, "Okay...and that ends this shin-dig for us."

Gatz says, "I think it has become sort of tradition to promote players greater than level 100 who are Genin to

be Chuunin."

Sukotto facepalms.

Keiko blinks in utter disbelief.

Isamu eeps!

Ichiro nominates sukotto anyway.

Sukotto says, "I knew I should of got those last five levels."

Gatz says, "So....hrm...lets see."

Keiko nods solemnly.

Gatz says, "The Genin who are here are Hakai...and Suk."

Hakai scuffs his foot.

Sukotto flexes. Must think he's buff.

Toli rubs his chin.

Gatz says, "Hrm're a little low, too."

You snicker with him about your shared secret.

You ruffle Sukotto's hair playfully.

Gatz rubs his majestic beard.

Toli asks, "Majestic?"

You say, "It's riddled with Majesty."

Shiro rubs Gatz's majestic bear.

Sukotto gives Hakai a Highfive.


So we have a new Chuunin, and I got a free headband and a hand cramp from all the editing.

Here's to another five years!

Re: 5th Anniversary, Gatz speech+Q&A

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:38 pm
by Hazamishi

Sorry I couldn't make it, guys... I went to the mall and out bowling with a special person and didn't get back to her house until like 9PM EST. I read through the log and it looks great! Anyway.. I just got home, I'm gonna go lay down or something. x_x

Re: 5th Anniversary, Gatz speech+Q&A

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:47 am
by Gatz
Thanks for logging the event Hakai! In my old age, I forgot to log it myself. I'm glad there was such a nice turn-out and hope for another year of great NM action! See you all next Anniversary!