Change in Newbie Immersion

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Change in Newbie Immersion

Post by Gatz »

I'd like everyone to start up a discussion on the idea of Newbie immerision
in NM. The thought has crossed my mind of trying to just cut out the
Newbie Academy completely, and seeing how things work.

Maybe having some way for newbies to get hints whilst playing, either via a channel or a special item that tells them hints. Newbie players are important to keeping NM alive, so I'd like to see as many comments as possible about

I've always tried to use a Newbie Academy as a way to teach, but
also weed out idiots who would detract from the game. Maybe there is a
better way, I look forward to everyone's thoughts.
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Post by Kotani »

To start off, I admit I have mixed feelings when it comes to newbies and how to teach new players. As far as newbie academies go, I believe they’re necessary. There should always be some form of safe zone where players can get to know the game and adjust to the game culture (environment interaction). Personally, I like the newbie academy in the game already - it has a lot of good information about the Naruto-verse itself. Though, one thing I would change for sure is the room size limitations - after the area was first linked in, it was really frustrating having to wait for mobs to move out of the way. Though, I haven’t really had that problem lately, so I don’t know if that was changed already, but back in the day, I know a lot of players had the same problem.

One thing I believe to be extremely important is newbie helpers. Generally, its always seemed to be a necessity unless there was a significant number of players that were willing to help out of the kindness of their hearts - definitely not possible with the newbie channel not being accessible by all players.

As for deterring problematic players, I think its unavoidable as my experiences lead me to believe that any anime themed MUD will draw in some of the worst players out there. Call me jaded by DBZ MUDs, but hey… some of my least favorite/disrespectful/ignorant players would stick around no matter what. On the other hand, I know some players who had a rough start, asking basic & repetitive questions, that were just slow learners and had difficult adapting, but turn into decent players once they get a hang of the environment. To be honest, you can have every possible help command at your disposal, but you have to have the logic/reasoning skills to apply them. Some players don’t have that strength… but that links back to having help dealing with them so they can have their learning style catered to.
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Post by Kotani »

Perhaps low level characters should have access to some sort of “save me” command that will give them significant help for commonly asked questions… such as the newbie academy having an area message that pops up “If you need help, type <command>“, or just have it level based so it keeps popping up every few minutes until they reach X level. While the help newbie command essentially performs that function, maybe it should be more FAQ based with problems newbies are actually having, such as the initial quest (not to say it should tell them what to do, but it could give large hints and a reminder that once they get into the real world, they won’t have help).

Regardless, I personally think having a newbie-friendly culture is extremely important, and I can’t say it enough. The players make a MUD, and if you can‘t turn to others for help, what‘s the point?
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Post by Gatz »

Well, I was thinking of doing a Newbie/Hint channel to replace the Newbie Academy. With this channel on, it would pop up from time to time with advice on whatever situation you were in.

For example:
Player types 'look' and the room is dark. This might pop up:
"(Newbie Hint) Some rooms like light or use sun light to illuminate. In those situations, you'll either need Shoumei or to have a lantern."

Player types 'inventory' and this might pop up:
"(Newbie Hint) You can equip items with wear (item name) (location) or just wear (item name) for it's default wear location."
Gatz Seijuro,
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Post by Kotani »

Ah, sorry, I thought you meant the type of hint channel that just randomly generated topics every so often. I like your idea, though I'd still keep an academy of some sorts. With that kind of help channel, it would at least still keep a "safe" environment for them to at least get basic interaction commands down.

Though, directly to the mud as it is now, with your proposed hint channel, I'd definately throw in directions to the trainer/practice fields, rabbits (with a bandit warning), and shops.
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Post by Shiro »

I think there should be some sort of test they have to take that quizzes them on the rules and things in the faq, that way they are forced to read the files and demonstrate that they understand them before they move on.
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Post by isken »

i think the newbie area is important, but i believe it should be made smaller. make the newbie area focus mainly on the basics, instead of being such a large area. as is, its sort of hard to navigate and if a newbie gets frustrated they can't always get the help they need to get through.

o, and the hint channel also sounds like a good idea. could have it drop random hints about the game every so often if the channel is turned on. sounds good
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Hint Channel

Post by Aikou »

Perhaps a hint channel, that you can channels +/- hints or something. I'll post some ideas for hints soon.
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Post by Inyi »

There's a couple of great ideas that've come out of this thread! :)

From my experience with newbies, there're key points at which help is usually required. Separated into different headings for easy reading.

Newbie Academy:
I'd vote to keep the Academy. Quests could do with abit of tweaking for more variety (and other reasons - point C), but the blackboards have more/less nailed down the basics needed.
a) Room size limitations are still in, Kotani. I can't see as to what purpose it might serve, thus it should go.
I have to disagree with Isken, I think the current Academy size is good. =) It doesn't overwhelm with information either, which's another good thing.
b) It could even do with alittle more information!
Probably known to many mudders, but I'm surprised SCORE and STAT have not been on any blackboards.
Along with HELP NEWBIE, HELP SKILLS, SLIST, ALIST, item commands ANA/EXA <item>, WIELD/REM/WEAR <item> <location>
A pointer towards the website would be helpful. =)
c) Prompting of current quest needed after time intervals.
Some players log off, then back on again. ..and mightn't have a clear memory of what to do. The blackboard beside the second admin office helps, but something that says: "You need to take the spirit slip to spirit teacher!" etc would be even better.

Newbie Channel:
-An excellent point made by Kotani. Not everyone is a newbie helper.
And a newbie helper (NH) might not be around every time a newbie logs on.
There might be players, though. So let's utilize that.

a) Recruit more NHs. Simple enough.
b) Allow Newbie Channel to be optionally viewable by all .
So helpful players who aren't NHs can be able to view the troubles any newbie might have, and help out from the goodness of their hearts - gnote/in person.
Not to mention that that'd give imms a good idea of who're good NH candidates. ;)

Say all you wish about them being able to search helpfiles, but I believe helpfiles could do with alittle work, too. A good mud needs good documentation. Some absolutely great stuff are still languishing in the changes section - and while there is the option of searching keywords, I don't think having newbies go through 3-years' worth of changes is reasonable. (Plus the fact that CHANGES SEARCH isn't on a newbie blackboard.)

-The perks each bloodtype gets should be in the bloodtype helpfile, for one.
-A helpfile for the JUNK command. Litterbugs, all litterbugs! *grumbles*
-That exp gains increases when grouped - 5% for members, 10% for the leader.
-That having an authorized bio boosts exp by 10% and LSC requirements by 10%.
-That every RPP a player has boosts exp slightly.
-That tells are now possible between authed players. :D

Newbie Hints:
One place where the hints could be activated is with obtaining the first 1/2 levels.
Most newbies get the mechanics of training stat points, but not so much the LEVELUP->PRACTICE->SHUUREN/HANDSEAL system.
So, something that tells the newbie to:
1)"Go to a trainer"
2) When at a trainer, prompt them through Train/levelup/practice, at least.
Boukenka would be the skill I'd use for that. A definite must-have at level2.
[EDIT] Remind them to bind the moment they step out of the Academy with Help Bindspot.
(OOC) Amun: Darn Taiki and his branding me a corpse troll =p
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