Something like maybe conversing with an npc, or just anything for CHA. Also I'd like to see a better luck LSC, maybe like a little game of chance or rock paper scissors, or bet on a die and have a roll command
Re: LSC for CHA
Moved to the correct spot, LSC 3.0 under Development
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: LSC for CHA
If CHA affects the prices from shopkeepers then can't any interaction with them be seen as USING your CHArisma to get a better deal? Maybe everytime you buy something you get a small amount towards CHA. Maybe we should try to implement a conversation system with a few NPCs, where you have a choice of 4 or 5 options and you can learn a little more about them. Maybe use it on mobs to potentially lower their guard (increasing the chance of a critical on the first hit maybe?) if you choose the right answer, and if you choose a bad option then they start a fight with you. These are just some ideas to get the ball rolling a bit.
Re: LSC for CHA
I was thinking like a small talk command to start a conversation with them, and prompt a few responses. But not just shopkeepers, any NPC. Talking with them and chatting, being pursuasive and such. Developing relationships with shopkeepers would be cool to, if you use a shop long enough they'll know you on a personal level maybe like the ramen shop, more you converse the frendlier they'll be and you can get discounts on ramen and things of that nature.