Uetto's nit-picky ninjutsu cirtique

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Uetto's nit-picky ninjutsu cirtique

Post by Uetto »

Hiya! Still having a great time learning the incredibly complex and involving character building system you're putting together here. On this character I've focused mainly on Ninjutsu and have experimented with most of the jutsu available to me. I'd like to offer up what I see as some balance/tweeks that could be applied to the ninjutsu system based on my experience with it so far.

- The skill Chiyute should be able to heal the user. I just dont see a good reason why I shouldn't and there is Naruto precedent for jutsu that heal the user. It would make the skill a lot more appealing.

- 'Clone' is a keyword for all clone produced by jutsu making them very easy to detect and pick off.

- It's a nice touch that Mizu Bunshin dies into puddles of water, but why cant they produce any with Souken?

- I feel like one of the important things about jutsu in the Naruto series is that you're opponent doesn't really know what you're going to do. Unless of course they have experience with the jutsu. Perhaps the echo announcing which jutsu you're using could only be displayed to people in your party or if your opponent has a high enough ninjutsu level of their own they get access to the echo as well. It's rough in the arena your opponent knowing exactly what you're about to do.

- There seems to be a *big* divide between the two "basic" attack jutsu Kasui Mizu and Goukakyuu. Both are similar in that they're fairly low in the ninjutsu tree and they both are "pumpable" with more chakra to boost the damage. It seems to me though that Kasui Mizu is way beyond Goukakyuu in power when this is done. A 300 chakra Kasui doing about 300 damage and the Goukakyuu attack with the same charge doing under 100 easy. Now I know Kasui has the additional need for a water source and so a bit more power can be expected but it looks to me like the two could be brought a little closer together in power.

Now I'm aware (see title) that a few of these may seem like minor concerns but I only bring them up because I think you really have a quality classless system in the works here that with a little polish will be able to produce a ton of varied, competitive, and interesting ninja.
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Re: Uetto's nit-picky ninjutsu cirtique

Post by Gatz »

Uetto wrote:- It's a nice touch that Mizu Bunshin dies into puddles of water, but why cant they produce any with Souken?

That was a bug, it is fixed now.

Uetto wrote:- There seems to be a *big* divide between the two "basic" attack jutsu Kasui Mizu and Goukakyuu. Both are similar in that they're fairly low in the ninjutsu tree and they both are "pumpable" with more chakra to boost the damage. It seems to me though that Kasui Mizu is way beyond Goukakyuu in power when this is done. A 300 chakra Kasui doing about 300 damage and the Goukakyuu attack with the same charge doing under 100 easy. Now I know Kasui has the additional need for a water source and so a bit more power can be expected but it looks to me like the two could be brought a little closer together in power.

There are ways to make Goukakyuu power up even more, same with Kasui Mizu. As you play the game a bit more, I suggest revisiting these skills and tinkering more to see what you find out. :)

Uetto wrote:- I feel like one of the important things about jutsu in the Naruto series is that you're opponent doesn't really know what you're going to do. Unless of course they have experience with the jutsu. Perhaps the echo announcing which jutsu you're using could only be displayed to people in your party or if your opponent has a high enough ninjutsu level of their own they get access to the echo as well. It's rough in the arena your opponent knowing exactly what you're about to do.

This is based off of some calculations. Not everyone will be able to see it. To give a hint to how it works, it is more like if they can 'figure out' what your jutsu is.

Uetto wrote:- 'Clone' is a keyword for all clone produced by jutsu making them very easy to detect and pick off.

Eh........if other players feel the same, I'd be game to do it. My concern was making it hard for them to be identified period, but I'll chat it up with other players and see if they feel the same. If they do, I'd be willing to remove that from their name identifiers.

Uetto wrote:- The skill Chiyute should be able to heal the user. I just dont see a good reason why I shouldn't and there is Naruto precedent for jutsu that heal the user. It would make the skill a lot more appealing.

This has been suggested before, and I think I have an idea I'd like to play with in making Medical-Nin, but for now I'd prefer to keep Chiyute as it is. However, you can always let your clone heal you for now.

Thanks for the post, I hope you can add a bit more detail in places!
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
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