Mission/Quest "Recap" Command

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Mission/Quest "Recap" Command

Post by Sukotto »

So I was sitting around, talking to Ichiro and Zetsuke when I had this brilliant Idea. As of right now in the MUD when you accept a Mission/Quest you are usually told what to do only once and are forced to remember what it was you are told to do. In light of this I beleive that a "Recap/Remember" command should be placed within the game to conteract the fact that people tend to forget. The useage of this command would be based upon two different things, if the command can be used anywhere or only at the Mission/Quest Giver. Assuming it is only at the giver of said Mission/Quest then they should be able to tell you exactly what it was you where supposed to do as if you where receiving from the start. If the command can be used anywhere, then it should have a roll appointed to it that is lowered by the characters INT or LCK (Preferably LCK, seeing as it fits more). Also the surroundings (Like if the character is in a storm, or a noisy enviroment, then it will be harder to recall due to being distracted) and physical condition of the character (Broken arms do not help with attempting to concentrate) should raise the chances of failure. If the character should fail to remember then it should be even harder to remember for a set amount of time depending on how hard the quest is. Post back and let me know what you think!
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Re: Mission/Quest "Recap" Command

Post by Yamashita »

That's certainly an interesting idea, and would be helpful, especially for those who get interrupted in the middle of a mission and don't get back to it for quite a while.
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Re: Mission/Quest "Recap" Command

Post by Ichiro »

I don't really think this should be a skill so much as a command. I.E. something that you can just do without a chance of failure, even if it just means doing it at a quest giver/specific location. Otherwise I support this idea 100%.
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