in game Houseing/item banks

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in game Houseing/item banks

Post by Matsu »

I'm thinking what naruto mud needs would be a place that we can stash all our unused items. A home or an item bank would be excelent. would allow us to be able to outfit ourselves for certin missions and not have to worry about loseing anything.
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Re: in game Houseing/item banks

Post by Kotani »

*commits an act of thread necromancy*

I thought this would be an interesting thread to bump up to the top of the forum. I always love the idea of player housing/storage.

Such a system could be as "easy" as adding a locker room in Time Village that would just add on to a playerfile (or a seperate file that stores player locker information). The player could pay a one time fee to the attendant of the lockers and be assigned a locker number that would be saved to their pfile, and anytime they used "examine locker" it would just cross check and show them their own.

As far as housing goes, I've seen a few interesting methods of going about it. Most of which involve the addition of a new command that lets them write their room description on a whim (just like desc and bio). However, as far as actual housing goes, a few systems I've seen are as follows:

One MUD simply gave you access to a recall ability that took you to your house (single VNUM room), and another command that let you recall to whatever was set as your recall spot. The system was flawed in that it didn't let anyone else come to your house though, at least not in that manner. Of course, any ability given to a player to let them to transfer a friend there would be easily abusable. The perk though, its incredibly simple. Player is just given a vnum, and everything pretty much works around that.

Another MUD I played had a large area built off of a city area. In that instant, it was in a horrible area (lots of map runover into other zones if you tried to map it), but in a generally implementation, if it was built off of a cardinal direction with no other areas nearby (or even better, a new ferryman in Time Village to go to a housing island so that its off in its own area). For the negatives, an area like that can get *incredibly* large and hard to navigate. "Which house is yours?" "Well... just walk north about a hundred rooms. Its the last house on the west." It can be hard to gauge that one, unless there were multiple housing areas with a max size. Even then, as players come and go, the defunct homes kill text-based property values.

Now, an idea I have yet to see implemented, is the the route I would take with my own personal project, is to build various real-estate options all over the world. Give them a basic layout and size (large houses would be more expensive), and allow players the ability to buy it. After that, it would follow the seperate vnum approach, and if you went through the door (or better yet, have a room directly before the house that triggers code to make the next room your personal doorstep) it would take you to your private home, allowing a group of players to live "in the same house", but having their own private home. Very easy to control the location and avoid defunct homes in that regard. Make it so anyone following you goes to your home as well, and ta-da.

/end thread necromancy
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Re: in game Houseing/item banks

Post by Yamashita »

I'm fairly sure that this is one of the benefits of belonging to a clan, as they are given space in their clan halls to make storage that does exactly what you're describing here.
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Re: in game Houseing/item banks

Post by Kotani »

Not everyone is interesting in forming a clan or having a clan hall and would like a simple, personal option (that doesn't require other players or interaction with other players to get) to clear inventory clutter (without losing the items). Such a thing as having a personal locker as some side function of the bank or some variation of, or a single room apartment to dump gear in is vastly differently then having a clan.

What's wrong with having other options?
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Re: in game Houseing/item banks

Post by Gatz »

So, would people want an apartment type setup or the more elaborate house building thing? I remember back from my Bebop days, folks seemed to dig having an apartment to store their loot, but with that setup no one could go into your place. I've remember seeing snippet to be able to let folks go into your house for SWR, but I've never seen them used in the wild.

I dunno, I think offering apartments that maybe cost 20-30 Ryo up-front and then maybe 5 Ryo per IRL day could work, and if you didn't have the Ryo to pay the fee, you'd lose your apartment and all the stuff you had inside would go to me for my alts.
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Re: in game Houseing/item banks

Post by Hazamishi »

What kind of "elaborate house building thing" are we talking about here? Like you gather materials and construct your own house? I think I remember reading somewhere about the possibility of different classes going in at some point (stuff other than ninjas). If you were going to put something like a structure building skill in for players, I'd wait until you put in the different classes, or something...

Personally, right now, I would be happy just having a locker.
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