I suggest that we go back to having the imms manually authing all names, because it seems that some of the names newbs have been choosing recently while complying with Japanese naming conventions are just silly. Perhaps the person could either A: wait for an imm to log on so that their name can be authed or B: Choose from a list of pre-approved Japanese names that would let them bypass needing an immortal needing to approve their name.
Re: Names
It only kicks in when Imms are off, but if you point out really silly names we can make sure those names don't get re-used and also that we can ask those people to change their name. Most folks who pick silly names don't stay long, anyway, but any of them that do can be asked to change their name.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD
Re: Names
once a player starts playing, esp after an autoauth, they assume their name is fine and may protest being asked to change their name... perhaps make sure they know even if autoauthed the name may not meet the requirements of the imm and they may still ask you to change it... perhaps a list of "temporary approved names" that they can use until they consult with an imm about a name of their choosing.. I hope this makes sense... if the imms see a player using a "temp" name they know to contact that player about naming... or a newbie helper could, but I dunno if I'd want that kind of "power" or responsibility.
Re: Names
When no Immortals are on or none are visible, the automatic authorization
code takes over. It makes sure the name complies with the Go Jyuu On,
the fifty sounds, of Japanese. If it does, then it will be authorized;
otherwise, it will be denied and the player must keep renaming themselves
until they do. However, because no system is perfect and bad names can
still make it through, any names authorized by the automatic script can be
denied by Immortals at a later date and that player will have to change
their name to be suitable.
Right from help autoauth, shown to the player if there name was auth'ed by it.
Gatz Seijuro,
Owner of NarutoMUD
Owner of NarutoMUD