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by Yokichi
Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:34 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Myth System
Replies: 39
Views: 9389

Re: Myth System

If you chose the 5 practices or 10 trains and then Legacy, would it just give you those at the beginning? Or would it just add on to the 10 practices and 60 (50?) trains, requiring you to level to gain them all back? Or do you just lose them all together when you Legacy?
by Yokichi
Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:08 pm
Forum: Areas
Topic: Chuunin Exam
Replies: 13
Views: 3045

Re: Chuunin Exam

I would like to hear the "reward" for this exam being completed. Cause if the wait and challenge of the exam doesn't match the reward then you are mostly doing it for the little title of 'Chuunin' by your name. Maybe have a choice reward...? Once the Myth System is completed/working I could see gaining 1 MP would be a very motivating reward, as you basically get one early if the level limit is under 100. Or maybe increase exp gain? What is everyone else's thoughts on a reward?

I think there shouldn't be a level requirement, just a mission requirement, as in the manga/anime genin are required to do at least 8 missions before being able to compete in it. But I also see the need for a level requirement to make sure you are able to survive against some/most of the mobs and other gennin.

I wouldn't mind having a multiple part exam. Like the first part there's the Survival Test/Forest of Death which is a group test and the second part could be an Arena style match. And depending on the Immortal, there could be other parts. Like a scavenger hunt style race where there are no visible exits thus causing you to track/scan/search constantly. Each player would have a different "list" to gather. There would be like 3 or 4 things you need. I really want some sort of race against other players where combat doesn't decide the winners.
by Yokichi
Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:31 pm
Forum: Skills
Topic: Custom Genjutsu Modules
Replies: 2
Views: 1105

Re: Custom Genjutsu Modules

I love this idea. Maybe start the cap at 1 and maybe have Battle Ability that unlocks another slot as you level. Second one at 30, third at 80, fourth at 200? In the series we don't see much for genjutsu, and even those so called specialists with it, like Kurenai, have only shown to use one genjutsu. Maybe limit the amount each mod can be used? Some of the basic ones, like Sabakis can be unlimited, but some like Meiun should be one skill only, allowing a VERY deadly genjutsu or have it spread out so you are ready for any specific opponent. Now I can make a Stamina Killer Jutsu and a Chakra Killer Jutsu. Or a Tai-Destroyer Jutsu or Nin-Destroyer Jutsu. Or...
by Yokichi
Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:03 pm
Forum: LSC 3.0
Topic: LSC for CHA
Replies: 3
Views: 1290

Re: LSC for CHA

If CHA affects the prices from shopkeepers then can't any interaction with them be seen as USING your CHArisma to get a better deal? Maybe everytime you buy something you get a small amount towards CHA. Maybe we should try to implement a conversation system with a few NPCs, where you have a choice of 4 or 5 options and you can learn a little more about them. Maybe use it on mobs to potentially lower their guard (increasing the chance of a critical on the first hit maybe?) if you choose the right answer, and if you choose a bad option then they start a fight with you. These are just some ideas to get the ball rolling a bit.
by Yokichi
Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:09 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Myth System
Replies: 39
Views: 9389

Re: Myth System

So if you get 1 MP at level 300, and your one of those people who will remort EVERY time then that point will become unused. Maybe if you get one at 50 instead then they can look forward for something every 50 levels, 1MP or remort at 300. Just an idea.

If you want to have multiple dojutsu (as some in the series does) then thats fine. But I would rather have only one active at a time to force the player to make a choice.

I think if you remort you shouldn't get double the amount of MP. I think you should add 1 MP/number of times you have remorted. And if we do get double the amount of MP, do we get 2 at 100, 150, etc? or will it be spaced out at every 25 levels instead? And what about the 3rd remort? How will you space it then? Every 15 levels? Will it always start at 100 to gain MP or will you slowly get lower as the amount of remorts increases?

Even if you have the add X trains as an option, I would like an option for double LSC gain.

So you can only gain Chidori/Rasengan/Sharingan/etc once right? What about the trains/practices? I assume you will be able to get them multiple times, but how over powered would you be if you remorted lets say...4 times now? Yes thats alot of time to be spending getting to level 300, but each time is easier than the last. Spend 4 points on Sharingan at 100, then at 150 you spend 4 points on thats 20(!!) trains at ONE level. This is assuming that you will just get an increasing amount of MP at once, and not spread out. This is just what I would do personally...if I ever got to that point.

Now, back to my favorite Myth: Iron Body. I would like to propose a tweak to it. You spend 1MP on Iron Body, which will decrease the amount of damage your body takes (decrease it by 75% or so) and if you purchase it again it completely prevents your body from breaking OR make it so you only get damaged from criticals and specific skills ONLY (really trying to push this idea, I WANT MORE OPINIONS ON IT OR IF I'M JUST WASTING MY TIME). I would really like a decrease in damage to your body over a flat out never damaged, cause then the whole stat-guy will be useless. Maybe we should make skill trees for this too? Like having Iron Body (1MP) --> Steel Body (1MP) or Chidori (2MP) --> Raikiri (2MP) or Rasengan (2MP) --> Rasenshuriken (3MP).

I thought I read somewhere about an element system coming soon...from the meeting perhaps? I'm currious if you are going to implement that one first, as Chidori is a Lightning Release after all.
by Yokichi
Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:24 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Myth System
Replies: 39
Views: 9389

Re: Myth System

One question about the summons, is it going to be like toads where you can summon multiple different kinds each able to do something different or a personal summon like Enma the Monkey King?

I love the gain 3 practices idea, I think its also a good amount.

I hate the gain 5 trains idea though. I have seen a pattern that you are decreasing trains while encouraging more LSCing, which I think is one of the best mechanics in the game, although incomplete. I think a better idea to replace this one is double LSC gains for ONE stat. Still costing 1 MP for each, it would encourage LSCing even more, and making a more specialized character. Although for this to be a good trade off for the gaining 5 trains there would have to be a way to gain CHA and LCK as right now they cannot be increased through LSC (except for LCK using the questions, but we need something less random and more like slots or some dice game, like the one Tsunade was playing before she became Hokage).

I have no problem with the Journeyman. I stick to native skills so I have no real input on this at this time.

I don't like Tensai. I feel that there should be multiple trainers who can only train specific skills. Like a basic, generic one for all of those Double Kick, Custom Genjutsu, etc skills. Then there can be a Fire trainer, which teach Hosenka etc and a Leaf trainer who teaches Leaf-Taijutsu and Shadow Clones. Each of them could also be used as quest givers to "unlock" the ability to learn any or a specific skill. I am suggesting this to replace the Tensai as I don't like to just say "I don't like X". I just don't think it would really be used that much, but thats just me.

Love Iron Body. I think its a very good idea, but NEVER breaking?? Would rather have only criticals and specific skills damage your body. Like Solfege or Throw.

I dislike Chidori and Rasengan being added. I feel those skills should never just be POOF learned, as Sasuke took 1 month to learn Chidori from Kakashi, and Naruto took a week and a bit (think it was 9 days..? Not sure) from Jiraiya. And would these skills take up a practice point as well or are they a "bonus" skill? Would rather have these skills earned through a quest line and at the end costing 2 practice points instead of one.

I knew this day would come eventually. FINALLY we are THINKING about dojutsu. Lets get the Byakugan, Sharingan and Mangekyo out of the way first. No. Don't want them. I want the CLANS for these. ONLY the clans may possess these. Maybe make the clans for these, but you have to remort INTO them, forcing you to discard ALL your equipment and then be able to attain these dojutsu through the Myth system. Now the Rinnegan. Too strong, these has been like 4 people in the WHOLE series who could use it and all of them are Godlike compared to any other shinobi. Maybe if someone were to remort like 3 or 4 times I could see this being a "special" exception. Now for the Implant Sharingan. YES. Bloody hell YES!! Implant Byakugan while your at it (remeber Ao?). But I again would prefer it to be a quest reward. Maybe the whole Implant Sharingan/Byakugan could be an event held by one of the Immortals. Once or twice every month. Some sort of competition or race. Maybe a race to the finish line with PK on? Or a scroll thing like the Chuunin Exams. With aggro mobs and such.

Unleash is a nice idea, but I don't want all those Jinchuuriki kind of players. I want Ninjas like Shikamaru, Chouji, Asuma, Kurenai, Kisame (they all use jutsu and aside from Kisame have nothing "special" about them, aside from the clans thing). I don't want Jinchuurikis unless theres tailed beasts...which would mean we need sealing jutsus. I feel this might need to be explained with more detail, as how far you would implement, what kind of "Chakra type powers" do you really mean? Chakra arms? Cloaks? Version 2? Increased Regeneration? Increased Chakra? Theres alot to be explained so this is all I can currently say about it.

Ok. Eight Gates. I don't know much about them to begin with, but all I see is a powerup which hurts you once your out of it. Decreased regeneration? Maybe a percentile decrease on your MAX HP/Chakra/Stamina for a few ticks? Having it depend on the number of gates opened, for percentile and time. I think making it cost 3 MP would be better as it always seems to balance itself out at the end.

This is my take on all of those specific examples for the Myth System. But I would also like to talk about how the Legacy System would work with it. If you remort you will get rid of all of those you have earned in the Myth System, correct? What if you just add it on? Although you won't get all your old Myths (What are we calling the items on the list??) back at the beginning you could have to earn them back through quests or maybe slowly gain them back. Maybe every 35 levels you gain back one. Making the Practice/Train ones come WAY later (like 200?) while dojutsu come back closer to 100. Iron body could come fast. Tensai/Journeyman would come later on. And if you liked my LSC idea instead of trains it could come at the beginning. And to make my last final comment on Chidori/Rasengan... Would rather have jutsu cost practices while Myths become just character traits. Good day and have fun reading.

Ok Hakai, you beat me to it. So now to comment on your post. I would like to only allow one Implant Dojutsu.
by Yokichi
Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:53 pm
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [OPEN][BUILDING]'Armor'/'Weapon' MissionforAcademy Students
Replies: 0
Views: 1751

[OPEN][BUILDING]'Armor'/'Weapon' MissionforAcademy Students

I had already purchased the 'Large Tortoise Shell Shield' before starting any missions. I had it equipped before the 'Armor' Mission even started and I said 'armor' to determine the details. I got the description of the "shell shield" but then Gendo gave me 30 ryo. For just saying 'armor' while having the shell shield equipped. I only have one shield. I tried saying 'armor' again and the same thing happened, got another 30 ryo. I took off the shield and said 'armor' and Gendo basically said 'give it to me' and got NO ryo for it. I then gave the shield to him, and got no ryo for it.

Now for the 'Weapon' Mission, if you say 'weapon' over and over then you will get 4 ryo over and over, not as bad as 30, but it is still there.
by Yokichi
Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:39 pm
Forum: LSC 3.0
Topic: Gaining Charisma LSC?
Replies: 1
Views: 1582

Gaining Charisma LSC?

I was thinking about how to gain Charisma from LSC, and someone said to RP to gain it. Some of us (like me) do not like to RP so then I thought "what about talking IC or buying stuff". Then someone says "post it" and here I am, posting it. There's nothing else to really say... so any better suggestions, you have the floor.

Oh yeah, I'm back!
by Yokichi
Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:56 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Status effects?
Replies: 17
Views: 3735

Re: Status effects?

Well, then maybe only hand seal and taijutsu skills get affected. Thank you for the explanation, Gatz. Next time I will remember that the help files are not only files, but help too. <-- Not meant to be sarcastic...
by Yokichi
Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:20 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Status effects?
Replies: 17
Views: 3735

Re: Status effects?

1. Saves would be there, but for the physical status effects (Bleeding, Bruised) there would be none. The rest should have some save.

2. The X% of the time is just a guesstimate, and nothing is set in stone. How can you train yourself to prevent Bleeding? Physical status effects would ALWAYS have a set percent chance. I don't know how you could train yourself from being Blinded, Panicked or Pained. It's not your level that determines your save, it should be your stats (mixed in with random chance).

3. Constant status effects was a poor choice of words. I just meant that they would have a decent to high percent chances to be inflicted by the status effects from fighting several mobs. It is not unreasonable if you pace yourself, or wait for the next tick. Blood Pills would also make this very reasonable.

4. Have you ever been 8 years old and cut your thumb? I was 11 when I did. It hurt a lot. But when I look back, if I was fighting someone when that happened, then I dout I would be as aggressive. You don't want to bleed to death, right? Maybe an age barrier would reduce the impact of outgoing damage. Say...8-12 100% (of the value), 13-17 80%, 18-28 65%, 29-40 55%, 41-60 50%, 61+ 45%. Maybe we should scrap it, maybe not. It's up to Gatz.

Maybe a percent increase on the auto-Panic. But level 10 getting Panicked from level 11? No, I said 15%-25%, 11 is only 10% higher than level 10. That would NOT induce any Panic. Panic 1 25%-40%, Panic 2 41%-60%, Panic 3 61%+. Lowering armor is valid. Look at the Sasuke vs Orochimaru fight. Orochimaru put Sasuke in a Panic. If you look, Sasuke couldn't protect himself (shown in the fact that Orochimaru threw genjutsu kunai (I think)). When you are Panicked you get sloppy and can't defend yourself properly, yet you still move into a defensive stance. Tsuru is NOT more defensive (as far as I can tell). Before you say "wtf retard" hear me out. Tsuru is a style that evades. Kame is a style that blocks damage. When you are fighting a higher level mob, do you think you can evade 80%+ of the time? No, probably more like 40%-ish. While Kame would always give you the reduced damage. Well, that's how I feel, try to poke holes in it if you wish.

Bruised would be from any blunt weapon (fists, staff). I still think Genjutsu should be able to make a "pretend" sense of physical status effects. It would just convince you mind that you are Bruised or Bleeding, possibly giving a reduced effects for a longer hold.

I can't remember any time that I was Blinded by sand or bugs or anything. It was just guesstimating.

Put a number to them? Then Pain would be a useless status effect if you are up near the Chuunin rank. I heard that Shiro has around 2000 health. You think 5 damage a round is gonna effect him? Enough to make him heal? Or use some antidote? No, he/she would just live with it until it left. But then for someone at level 5 or so getting 5 damage a round would be devastated (depending on how long it lasts). If we don't use percents then this would be useless if you get to the level 100 mark. A set amount of damage would discourage noobies from staying, as it would effect them more than Shiro. We need to keep things balanced. That is why almost everything is in percents.

What??? Go to the MUD. Type in "practice". See all those percents? Well reduce THOSE. I have never heard of PSMs... Numb is only temporary. It would only affect for a short amount of time, .5, .75, and 1 hour. As I recall, it would take several hours to reduce them. I believe it is reasonable.

Internal Bleeding would be a far more devastating (and possibly less visible compared to Bruised, as this could be inflicted from broken ribs or possibly Baikesson, or what ever it was, Ninjutsu level 15 thinger). Bruising usually (I think) just breaks inner layers of skin, softening it up for stronger blows, while Internal Bleeding would be more like attacking the inside of your body, possibly bypassing the skin all together. For the most part, slight organ damage. Nothing life threatening, yet.

Genjutsu should be able to effect how the mind interprets it's surroundings, including what they see and what they feel. Again, possibly a reduced effect for a longer time span. Now I think I have addressed everything that I can. Please come again.
by Yokichi
Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:03 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Status effects?
Replies: 17
Views: 3735

Re: Status effects?

I agree with you, Koroshiya. You could be blinded in only one eye. Is that not partial blindness? Having sand (or a bug?) in your eye can force you to blink rapidly, making your ever changing surroundings become unknown. You can also get tears in your eyes, which distorts your vision. Different levels of blind.

Numb 1 - Health does not appear to go down to the infected (but it really does), reduce Bleeding and Internal Bleeding down one level (if at 1, negate it's effects), lowers "practice" menu percents by 15%, 10% chance at the end of every command of a forced "sit" - Effects dwindle down, lasts .5 hour - Genjutsu, Poison
Numb 2 - Health does not appear to go down to the infected (but it really does), reduce Bleeding and Internal Bleeding down two levels (if at 2, negate it's effects), lowers "practice" menu percents by 26%, 22% chance at the end of every command of a forced "sit" - Effects dwindle down, lasts .75 hour - Genjutsu, Poison
Numb 3 - Health does not appear to go down to the infected (but it really does), negate effects of Bleeding and Internal Bleeding, lowers "practice" menu percents by 37%, 33% chance at the end of every command of a forced "sit" - Effects dwindle down, lasts 1 hour - Genjutsu, Poison

*Note: I am NOT a doctor, so I am unsure of exactly what the effects of Internal Bleeding would be. Most of this stuff I am unsure of.

Internal Bleeding 1 - Does 2% of max health as damage per hour - Blood Pill, lasts 3 hours - Genjutsu, Godfist, Dragon Punch, anything that could break ribs (mostly Taijutsu, but some Earth elemental jutsus too?)
Internal Bleeding 2 - Does 2.5% of max health as damage per hour - Blood Pill, lasts 4 hours - Genjutsu, Godfist, etc
Internal Bleeding 3 - Does 3% of max health as damage per hour - Blood Pill, lasts 5 hours - Genjutsu, Godfist, etc

If anyone has any suggestions of believable and realistic status effects, please state them. Even if you do not wish to expand, just giving me ideas can help. (I am out of ideas >.<)
by Yokichi
Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:31 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Status effects?
Replies: 17
Views: 3735

Re: Status effects?

When I think of Panic I always think back to the time when Sasuke and Sakura were Panicing when faced with Orochimaru. And how did Sasuke over come it? By causing "major" damage to himself. Maybe not "major" but a decent hit. I guess it would require a save roll to do the damage...and once done have a decent percent chance to get out (comparable to the damage done). This would decrease the dwindling effect of Panic as well. Minimal force would be the the lowest possible with your current weapon (like doing only 1 damage with a staff), moderate would be a relative average (like doing 2-3 damage with a staff), and major force would be doing maximum damage (critical?) (like doing 4 damage with a staff).

I was thinking that Poisons would work 100% of the time UNLESS you have been poisoned with that toxin before (possibly several times, depending on complexity). Each time you would get a reduced percent chance to get poisoned, until that poison does not work. This is where different types and different potency of poisons would come in. Like a Poison containing Blind 1, Bleeding 2, and Pain 1. A different Poison could be Bruised 1, Internal Bleeding 1, and Numb 2. I know, I should make those two soon.

You meant that... I thought you meant increase the accuracy during Blind. Hmm...

Blind 1 - Lowers accuracy by 20%
Blind 2 - Lowers accuracy by 33%
Blind 3 - Lowers accuracy by 47%

That should be sufficient to piss people off. I don't want to go above 50% because then you could get a negative. And that would just be too much trouble for Gatz.

We could also have variable lasting effects (how long to cancel). Genjutsu would (could) have a lowered effect, but a much longer time (how long to cancel increased, or until genjutsu user runs out of chakra).

Blind would help all the time. It would make "tanking" way easier. I might increase the effects of Pain. Maybe I should make more levels of Pain... We don't really need to have 3 levels of everything... Don't forget we could start using pills. Like Blood Pills. :D Maybe some Soldier Pills, that reduce the amount of stamina usage and doubles chakra (or what ever it did).
by Yokichi
Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:03 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Status effects?
Replies: 17
Views: 3735

Re: Status effects?

By constant status effect, I mean when you are fighting several mobs. Like fighting several deer before you head in to heal. Don't forget that the chances of getting to Bleeding 3 is HIGHLY unlikely unless you are faced with a very hard mob, which you wouldn't even fight multiple times. Even then, you would most likely get only Bleeding 2. Gatz, you might also want to make a Blood Pill for a cure for these.

Have you seen the episode where Shikamaru used a light bomb against Tagyuya? She was stunned for a round until she could see again. Accuracy should NOT be lowered, if you did that then the status effect would seem minor and you could live with it. I already miss 25% of the time, another 5% won't do enough for me to notice at all. Status effects are meant to make battles more challenging and diverse.

Well, to cure them depends how they were inflicted. These effects could be put in a poison, allowing an antidote to heal them (buy from hospital?). Different poisons could inflict different status effects. There is no save rolls. Just percent chances that they will inflict. Unsealable wounds? Your kidding, right? How could you heal from that? If you got that on your torso then there is a chance that your guts come flying out. I think I might need to change the Bleeding percentages a bit, but that's about all. Maybe I should state the "how it can be inflicted" for each effect. Hopefully this will show the severity of the attack to inflict it.

IBO: In Battle Only
ASO: Aggressive Stance Only
N/ASO: Neutral/Aggressive Stance Only

Status Effect (Level) - Effects - Healing Conditions - Inflicted?
Bleeding 1 - Lowers out going damage by 12%, increase stamina usage by 6% - Blood Pill, lasts 1 hour - Genjutsu, any edged weapon with minimal force, bludgeoned hard enough (critical)
Bleeding 2 - Lowers out going damage by 19%, increase stamina usage by 9% - Blood Pill, lasts 1.5 hour - Genjutsu, most edged weapons with moderate force, bludgeoned moderately on head
Bleeding 3 - Lowers out going damage by 27%, increase stamina usage by 13% - Blood Pill, lasts 2 hours - Genjutsu, some edged weapons with major force

Panic 1 - Lowers (raises?) armor by 9%, revert to a neutral stance (40% chance, ASO), revert to a defensive stance (60%, N/ASO), 10% chance to attempt to flee, cannot attack/use commands for 1 round (IBO) - Major damage, lasts .5 hour - Genjutsu, enemy is 15%-25% higher in level
Panic 2 - Lowers (raises?) armor by 15%, revert to a neutral stance (50% chance, ASO), revert to a defensive stance (50%, N/ASO), 21% chance to attempt to flee, cannot attack/use commands for 2 rounds (IBO) - Major damage, lasts 1 hour - Genjutsu, enemy is 26%-40% higher in level
Panic 3 - Lowers (raises?) armor by 22%, revert to a neutral stance (60% chance, ASO), revert to a defensive stance (40%, N/ASO), 33% chance to attempt to flee, cannot attack/use commands for 3 rounds (IBO) - Major damage, lasts 1.5 hours - Genjutsu, enemy is 41%+ higher in level

Bruised 1 - Increases damage taken by 4% - Healing jutsu, 2 hours - Genjutsu, any blunt weapon with minor force
Bruised 2 - Increases damage taken by 7% - Healing jutsu, 3 hours - Genjutsu, most blunt weapons with moderate force
Bruised 3 - Increases damage taken by 11% - Healing jutsu, 4 hours - Genjutsu, some blunt weapons with major force

Blind 1 - Cannot use attacks/commands for 1 round (IBO), lowers accuracy by 15% - Lasts .5 hour - Genjutsu, light bomb
Blind 2 - Cannot use attacks/commands for 1 round (IBO), lowers accuracy by 23% - Lasts 1 hour - Genjutsu, light bomb
Blind 3 - Cannot use attacks/commands for 2 round (IBO), lowers accuracy by 32% - Lasts 1.5 hours - Genjutsu, light bomb

Pain 1 - Does 1% of max health as damage per round (IBO), has 6% chance to not attack per round (IBO), does .05% of max health as damage per step - Lasts 1.5 hours or 4 rounds - Poison
Pain 2 - Does 1.5% of max health as damage per round (IBO), has 8% chance to not attack per round (IBO), does .07% of max health as damage per step - Lasts 2.5 hours or 6 rounds - Poison
Pain 3 - does 2% of max health as damage per round (IBO), has 11% chance to not attack per round (IBO), does .1% of max health as damage per step - Lasts 3.5 hours or 8 rounds - Poison
by Yokichi
Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:11 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Status effects?
Replies: 17
Views: 3735

Re: Status effects?

Oh, I forgot to mention a few more things about Panic. The odds of reverting to a neutral stance or defensive stance is ONLY if you are in an aggressive stance. If you are in a neutral stance then the same percent is applied for the chance to go into a defensive stance. If in a defensive stance, you will attempt to go as far into a defensive stance as possible (So lets say you have Kame and Tsuru style learned, if in Tsuru, you would revert to Kame). Panic CAN dwindle down to nothing but only if you survive the uber high leveled enemy. *Note: At the end of Panic it says "cannot attack/use commands for 2X round or X hour" while it should say " cannot attack/use commands for 2X round (once 2X round is done, disable this effect, leaving the rest to continue the allotted time), whole effect lasts X hour". Wasn't Sasuke still in a Panic while he was fighting Orochimaru? This is why he overcame it.

For bleeding, I wouldn't want an increase to damage taken. It already has decreased damage given, it would be too much of a handicap since bleeding would be an almost constant status effect while killing mobs. But the stamina usage increase would work well. But it would have to be 5%, 10%, 15% respectfully as other status effects would focus on this.

Now, Bruised would be another status effect similar to Bleeding, as it could be inflicted by weapons and fists. This is where the damage taken will be increased a bit. I don't think anything else can be applied here...

Bruised 1 - Increases damage taken by 5%
Bruised 2 - Increases damage taken by 10%
Bruised 3 - Increases damage taken by 15%

Now, for Blind. Unlike Panic, Blind can quickly allow you to use your commands again, as it is not a mental condition, but a physical one (can be mental with genjutsu, but w/e). "in battle only" only notes that they must be Blinded WHILE in battle to use these effects. There is also residual lack of being able to see clearly, allowing a bit more of missed hits.

Blind 1 - Cannot use attacks/commands for 1 round (in battle only), lowers accuracy by 20% for .5 hour
Blind 2 - Cannot use attacks/commands for 1 round (in battle only), lowers accuracy by 30% for 1 hour
Blind 3 - Cannot use attacks/commands for 2 round (in battle only), lowers accuracy by 40% for 1.5 hours
by Yokichi
Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:01 pm
Forum: Development
Topic: Status effects?
Replies: 17
Views: 3735

Re: Status effects?

I would like to do Panic next. I've always been interested in how Orochimaru inflicted fear or Panic on Sasuke and Sakura. Oh, I don't think I mentioned that these would be highly useful in genjutsus. We all know the mud is lacking genjutsus, and some of these could give an illusion of the effect (a less devastating effect to the real thing, of course). And some of these could be inflicted if faced with a super-dooper-uber-owning enemy.

Panicking for me would mean being unable to protect oneself properly, and an overall lack of an aggressive stance. It may even cause me to FLEE or not attack for a few turns.

Panic 1 - Lowers (raises?) armor by 10%, revert to a neutral stance (40% chance), revert to a defensive stance (60%), 20% chance to attempt to flee, cannot attack/use commands for 1 round or .5 hour
Panic 2 - Lowers (raises?) armor by 15%, revert to a neutral stance (50% chance), revert to a defensive stance (50%), 30% chance to attempt to flee, cannot attack/use commands for 2 rounds or 1 hour
Panic 3 - Lowers (raises?) armor by 20%, revert to a neutral stance (60% chance), revert to a defensive stance (40%), 40% chance to attempt to flee, cannot attack/use commands for 3 rounds or 1.5 hours

*Note: If I did not "flesh out" enough, please give me the details you require. If the details are on a sticked post, then I shall find them after this post and correct if necessary.