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- Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:55 pm
- Forum: Bugs
- Topic: [NAB] Levelup/down and Un-practice-able skills
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1453
Re: [BUG]Levelup/down and Un-practice-able skills
Good to know thank you Gatz
- Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:39 pm
- Forum: Bugs
- Topic: [NAB] Levelup/down and Un-practice-able skills
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1453
[NAB] Levelup/down and Un-practice-able skills
I have the Furyuumonko Combo in Leaf Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. Which are Un-practice-able skills, Well i leveled, down below the genjutsu one to put points into ningu, I see my skill isn't disappearing but is the skill's effects negated? Also Bikku had said if i can't unpractice it, then i shouldn't be able to level down below that skills, and that it should be a bug.
- Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:19 am
- Forum: Bugs
- Topic: [POSSIBLE BUG] Possible bug with kage bunshin?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 2127
Re: [POSSIBLE BUG] Possible bug with kage bunshin?
Ichiro wrote:I've never had any issue with clones using karyuu endan...
I think he means when your clones don't have enough chakra, it doesn't give a "You don't have enough chakra" He's basically implying we should have a messaged relayed from clone to us letting us know that is the case.