Search found 25 matches

by Inyi
Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:36 pm
Forum: MUD Chat
Topic: New Features Poll!
Replies: 6
Views: 2374

Re: New Features Poll!

*agrees with Isamu*

I'm still pretty curious as to how the Land Of Fire would be like. :)
by Inyi
Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:58 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Village Ideas
Replies: 4
Views: 1289

Re: Village Ideas

I feel missing-nin would be very roleplayable.
Yes, a person might flee or fight when they see a missing-nin. But are there other choices?

Lots of things are roleplayable, it all depends on the people and the setup.

Inyi wouldn't think twice about offering medical aid to a missing-nin. She only sees someone hurt, and that takes priority.
Someone with less-than-patriotic feelings towards the village might a) not care about the missing-nin status at all (unless the missing-nin is completely off his/her rocker), b) or feeling a sense of kinship, could even be drawn towards them.

Of course, if the missing-nin is all getup as someone else, (a missing nin that actually wanted to live long, perhaps) that works as well....
by Inyi
Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:55 pm
Forum: Talent
Topic: Samhain
Replies: 0
Views: 1477


Had a writer's block (The last fanfic I wrote was last year's NM's Halloween thing, seriously ), and inspiration struck too late.

But I'd thought I'd share this with the rest of you. :) I had fun writing it.
A one-plus silly hour and a brave volunteer later (You're a sport, Uriko!)...

Edit: Kudos to Isamu for helping to come up with the NPC names too! XD Didn't realize there're just so many P's running about.

Happy halloween.


(Stupid board won't let me post my story here. :( )
by Inyi
Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:02 am
Forum: Development
Topic: items and stuff
Replies: 3
Views: 1168

Re: items and stuff

Thanks for your post Judaea. :)

As we've talked about, there are a few things that're already in game, but I think you raise some good points here.

1) 'Eq with abilities' - shirts that boosts regen of hp/chakra/stam, shoes with sneak - love this one. :)

2) Pets - I like the idea of pets as well - though I find it hard to think of how it might be different from bunshins.
Pets = bunshins for Taijutsuists? ^^;

3) Special Battle Abilities/SBAs - Ichiro'd discovered both of 'em, we need new ones! XD

4) Elemental chakra, item with elemental properties - good concept, would like to see this better fleshed out
by Inyi
Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:35 am
Forum: Maps and Guides
Topic: Map of the "Whole World"
Replies: 11
Views: 4861

Re: Map of the "Whole World"

Thanks Isamu, it's really helpful. Have this bookmarked as well. XD

You should update it with the Tsurugami clanhall!
by Inyi
Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:52 am
Forum: Maps and Guides
Topic: What Every Newbie Should Know - By Abigeiru
Replies: 11
Views: 5687

Re: What Every Newbie Should Know - By Abigeiru

Superb post. I have this bookmarked on my browser. XD
by Inyi
Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:01 am
Forum: LSC 3.0
Topic: LSC 3.0
Replies: 22
Views: 6741

Re: LSC 3.0

I hear you there Ichiro, but mightn't that be pretty similar to what there is on shadowbox? I'm sure there will be someone preferring sweeps over high snapping kicks..
by Inyi
Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:43 am
Forum: LSC 3.0
Topic: LSC 3.0
Replies: 22
Views: 6741

Re: LSC 3.0

I -think- it might work better as a plain simple LSC version rather than a 3.0. But let's give that a go.

You straighten your shoulders and bring your persuasive skills to fore.

You imagine a situation where you got caught stealing cookies.
[ <confess> <confuse> <lie> <distract> ]

You practice expressing your feelings to your beloved.
[ <serenade> <kiss> <write letters> <immortalize in formalin> ]

You stumble over your words and forgot your spiel!
You <insert word here> with top-notch/impressive/reasonable skill!

You picture yourself: in the a heated quarrel with your best friend/bargaining in a store/comforting a crying person/finding out about your mate's silly plot of planting fart cushions in the Hokage's chair...

I'd be the first to admit, it's whimsical. Another idea would be a botcheck like format - which might give more leeway to the number of characters used in the possible outcomes...though that wouldn't be LSC 3.0 anymore, wouldn't it?
by Inyi
Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:49 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Age ideas
Replies: 3
Views: 1134

Re: Age ideas

Yeah, I hear you on the penalty dilemma. Didn't think of that earlier, but I guess probably anyone with half an interest in Arena and PVP would be less than overjoyed by the idea of loss/change of 'ideal' stats/benefits.

Slugfest->Kill-inna-blow->Big 'n beefy definitely calls for change of strategies. And what of those that're the tinkerers and explorers of different styles? Having to wait till a character's sixty to 'fulfill their potential' could be...aggravating.
by Inyi
Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:30 am
Forum: LSC 3.0
Topic: LSC 3.0
Replies: 22
Views: 6741

Re: LSC 3.0

Definitely feeling a lack of charisma training.

Grouping might be an idea..though the whole concept of 'charisma' is the ability to influence or inspire others - which means if you're splitting hairs, that falls on the leader of the group. A bigger source of animosity there never was seen..

What about something that doesn't require a group - practicing one's gabbing skills, as it were? With/without the handy 'The-Sims'-esque handmirror.
It doesn't have to be an acceptance speech for Mr/Ms Congeniality - rehearsing that perfect pickup line to use on the cute ferryman, ten different excuses for being caught in the wrong section of the hot springs, a persuasive argument on why you should have lower prices on ramen...
by Inyi
Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:04 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Hunger/Thirst
Replies: 8
Views: 1609

Re: Hunger/Thirst

I think if people only ate when they're hungry, there never would be any problem with weight gain. Now if you put in a candy parlor, on the other hand....
by Inyi
Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:01 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Dreams
Replies: 9
Views: 2041

Re: Dreams

I'm unsure how dreaming might lead to an increase in skill points, but I do like the idea of dreams. *bumps*
More spam to read while waiting for your stamina to creep back up! :D

Apart from the common pool of dreams..maybe even 'Villager' and 'Genin' dreams...(being chased by trainers with canes rather than Riyokus holding sharp objects) or Male vs Female dreams? Entirely PG, of course. 0=)

Not too sure what to think about the idea of having botchecks while sleeping. There's questions while you play, questions while you train, and now questions while you sleep..might be pushing it aleettle.
by Inyi
Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:50 am
Forum: MUD Chat
Topic: What Client Do You Use?
Replies: 8
Views: 2424

Re: What Client Do You Use?

Zmud - though primarily because it provides scripting support - something that can be pretty useful on other muds.

The other 99% of the functions, I'm blissfully unaware of. :)
by Inyi
Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:44 am
Forum: Development
Topic: Age ideas
Replies: 3
Views: 1134

Re: Age ideas

Not everyone over sixty is feeble of mind! Think of the perverted old grandpa in Ranma 1/2!

Though on the other hand, that could make a convincing argument for the cause..

Although dropping stats might make it more 'realistic', it sounds more like punishing of long-term players...and I don't think that is a good thing, yes?

Of course, anything that helps with stats is a sure win. ;)
by Inyi
Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:36 am
Forum: Areas
Topic: Area Editor
Replies: 7
Views: 2513

I can see its' advantages for Narutomud - it's probably the best way of getting more areas for a mud that could really benefit from such additions. Can keep the player population happy too - who wouldn't want the chance to leave their imprint on the mud? =)

Although some basic ground rules for building and early discussions between budding builders and imms would be optimal - that would make sure that there won't be similar ideas being worked upon at the same time - and keep areas true to Naruto-y themes!